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Comment Re:BWAH (Score 1) 254

In this case this run over multiple persons.

On the one hand those of the more nationalistic social-conservative party may have their opinion about immigrants.

On the other hand the communists may have theirs of both the immigrants and those individuals from the nationalistic / social-conservative party they point out.

IMHO the problem could be equally bad in that someone who think everyone should be free to live of Swedish well-fare and that it was ok to hide illegal immigrants (called paper-less in Sweden. Which I guess is just there to confuse people but hidden away under a "no-one is illegal", yeah, being human isn't illegal, being in Sweden when you're not allowed to is. Most of them don't have passports though. In some cases because they simply don't want to) being in charge of the outcome.

Comment Re:BWAH (Score 1) 254

Sure. Tell what they have done.

But the system become kinda unfair if only the opposition is checked / demanded to be trust-worthy / whatever whereas the others isn't / they have no capability / no-one cares.

In this case it's communists who does it and nationalists who don't.

Comment BWAH (Score 2) 254

All I want to say is it will make people less tolerant about criticism.

We already have society full of pricks who can't accept having their stupid religious idea ridiculed. And then they want to go out kill people because of that.


So what if I call someone an idiot. That's my opinion.
Reasonable people should understand anyone can have any opinion and that's ok. One can have different ones. Just because I think you're an idiot doesn't necessarily mean you are one according to someone else. Live with it.

Also chances are I'll say what's in my mind anyway because I'm used to do it.

If I where to hold back maybe I to would have to resort to go around killing people I didn't liked because there was no way to argue things.

I'm glad I can use my voice. Or fingers.

As for your comment parent yeah it suck that stuff is around forever. Here in Sweden we've got this communist criminal group who mine their own data to use against people of what they believe is the wrong opinion.

People complain if someone who don't like immigrants is in court where immigrants are tried for something possibly even whatever they should be allowed to stay or not.
But then again what if it was people who think we should have no borders and that hiding immigrants was ok and that communism was great? Those people exist too.

Shouldn't the important part be that people could divide their interest and the law and judge based on the law instead?

Anyway, to have this private interest group run around throwing old data around like it matter is just ridiculous.

And yeah. I'll still say what's on my mind thank you.

People go like "Oh people are bullied much more now" or whatever, "lots more hate reported", yeah, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE AWARE / IT SIT AROUND. So freaking what?

I doubt people behave worse. It's just that if I write on a wall on the Internet that you suck then it may stay around forever whereas if I just tell someone then the message is kinda lost after that. Or at least very hard to pick up again.

Comment Re:About half (Score 1) 293

Then again 1995 ... That's 20 years.

And it's likely cheaper now.
Also the idea is to turn off FM because it cost more money.
Also it's Norway. They can afford a DAB unit.

Now over here in Sweden we don't have DAB. We've got FM.

So to go with DAB would mean to build it in the first place. And have everyone get DAB radios.

But in Norway this has already happened.

Stupid things Sweden do: Build new antennas for terrestrial mpegII compressed TV when money could had been spent on fiber to everyone instead.

Comment It's shameful (Score 1) 150

I hate watching Grand Designs and then there's someone who has ordered three glass insulation windows from Sweden (most likely the case, it may just have happened like two times or whatever but still!) and then it either takes forever or there's wrong measurements / doesn't work.

And then it has to be redone and then they are super-happy with the finished product because it turned out so good.

BUT they didn't got their directly!
(Sure windows may be one of those things which become more of a trouble in general in that show.. I still have a feel that maybe the people from UK built things quicker.)

I've also seen it where a team from the US came to build a house and they had brought a nail gun with them. It was just that the others didn't had any nail guns so now the build took a lot longer because people in Europe / in the UK nailed by hand.

And then you wonder why the US is the richer country with the higher salaries and is more competitive ..

(I'm from Sweden but I totally enjoy the English TV programs which is available here (which also is Sweden.))

Comment Re:The Cloud (Score 1) 446

There exist no simple system where you split the data in two parts which you need to combine to get the original copy?

If so what about splitting it, encrypt each part with different encryption and store them on different storage sites.

Should lower risk quite a bit more?

But the weakest link may be oneself anyway.

Comment Re:What a wonderful unit! (Score 1) 332

At first I thought that the 'Acre-Foot' sounded like a joke unit, but obviously it is the amount of water that one hundred and twelve horses need to drink if they are each to plough eight hundred furlongs of furrow in a fortnight!! Honestly, you Americans just crack me up with your wacky units. So much more fun than being stuck with boring old litres!

It's about 35.773 nano distance light travel in vacuum over a period of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom cubed for you Europeans out there!

I'm too European.

(Or little over 1,200 cubic meters.)

Comment Re:Account number? (Score 1) 289

I have no idea if this is real:
It was linked from here:

There's also this domain, which mention the word courage:

The same bitcoin address is used in all of them:

But don't take my word for it and I have no idea whatever that's the real deal.

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