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Comment Re:Nice (Score 5, Insightful) 719

How is nominating for a peace prize to Edward Snowden interpreted as hatred to America?

Why can't it be equal to saying that 'we're against unauthorized intrusive spying on you're own citizens'?
Why do people need to degenerate this into hate mongering against an entire country rather than what it is. A critic of a part or it's government going rogue?

Comment The only good use I can think of... (Score 2) 359

Since laptops are for use on the go as well as in the office/home, I can see people who need a full fledged laptop make use of the touchscreen feature when they are constantly traveling and use it in a bus or train or even in an airplane.
There isn't much space in such locations for a mouse and I can't stand the track pads built into laptops so that would be a good alternative.

Outside of that traveling example, I can't say I see much use for it but haven't had a chance to try one much as I am so turned off by Windows 8 and don't (yet) see Linux using the features in a way that makes it worth consideration.

Comment Re:When is BB10 coming out for playbook? (Score 1) 100

Two problems with updating to BB10 telling me it won't happen.
Blackberry's CEO says Tablets will be dead in 5 years so that is not giving me the impression that supporting their aging tablet is something they'll put a priority on.
The other issue is the Playbook specs. Seems the processor and memory in the Playbook are below those of the Z10 so some fear the BB10 Os may not run very well on the Playbook.

I do hope I am wrong as I am also a Playbook owner and quite happy with it.

Comment Re:Sad day (Score 1) 299

The X-Wing series contrary to the Original Wing Commander and WCII were using crude (well compared to today) 3D polygons which gave more depth to the combats than the bitmap style of WC games in my view.

Sure, both of them eventually got closer to the same type of 3D look but kept enough differences that both were much fun to play with. In a perfect world, both would still get new sequels.

Comment Depends on what you want to accomplish (Score 2) 573

Your choice of distro depends a lot on you're needs or goals I suppose.

If you just want to learn linux for yourself and want to understand what is under the hood. Arch is definitly a good choice as you will be looking a lot to figure out stuff but you will also have a decent community and wiki pages to help you.
Ubuntu has a good community but you probably won't need to tinker as much which may or not be good depending on your goal.
I've never really tried it but Slaskware would also be a good choice as it is minimalistic. Again if you wish to work under the hood.
If you want to learn for use in a work environment. Fedora or CentOS are probably what you need to look at as they are Red Hat based.
Suse would also fall in that work category I would say.
Debian would also be a choice to look towards but I personnaly tend to not like how old the packages are and since it's for learning purposes, bleeding edge is better I feel. Debian testing would be better and again in a work environment. I personnally don't like it as a main OS for home but that's my taste.

Comment Re:Yay, I think? (Score 1) 222

You make it sound like Debian is the only one to do such a thing. Arch has been doing it that way for years as well.

Linux Mint also started to do rolling releases not too long ago. I find that one a bit Ironic since it's derived from Ubuntu.
Those are just two from the more popular distros. There are many more out there we could count.
Rolling releases are one thing I would applaud Ubuntu if they did it. It's always been my pet peeve to have to upgrade to a newer version of the same distro every 6 months.

Comment Abuse by other companies (Score 1) 503

You know, the only part of this I like is when I think of adversiting companies like one I worked at that did promotions for things like Microsoft's Xbox or HP's tablets and notebooks. I was surprised to see the reps purchasing a douzen units from the local BestBuy or Future Shop (owned by Best Buy in Canada) to use them as promotional equipment for events of a few days or weeks and then return them to the store within the 30 day window for a full refund.

It's one thing to stop individuals from returning a product, I'm against that pratice. But I would love to see those marketing companies stop doing that sort of stuff. I'm sure BestBuy would save money on one hand and not get valid customers ticked off at them on the other hand.

I'm certain an individual coming back to a store with some 10+ computers for a return is easy to spot as someone that is abusing the store. At least they should loose 10% of the value for having used and worn them during that time.

Besides, if these companies want to pay for event type advertising, they should supply said equipment or money to pay for purchases.

Comment Why ASUS? (Score 1) 151

...with ASUS selected for its willingness to flex to Google's requirements.

Maybe I'm missing something here but didn't google purchase Motorola not so long ago?
Does Motorola not make tablets themselves?

How can ASUS be more willing to flex to Google's requirements over Motorola?
Unless perhaps Google has others plans for Motorola?
I wish the article had said something in regards to this.

Comment Re:Arch Linux: what's the differentiating factor? (Score 5, Insightful) 103

I think the only thing you missed was that it's a rolling release OS meaning that unlike other distros. You never need to reinstall it unless you mess up.
That to me has been the most important feature for me as I found it would get old to have to reinstall Fedora every 6 to 12 months to get access to the latest bleeding edge software.

As one reviewer said, this OS is always fresh.

Comment Re:No thanks. (Score 1) 141

DOA because it doesn't have Netflix? I beg to differ but that's just plain wrong.

When are you gonna stream a Netflix movie?
The answer is when your home. Are you really gonna watch a streaming movie home on a small screen tablet when you can watch it on a computer screen or TV screen?
I think not unless you're a poor student that can't afford a TV or something like that. Or maybe a kid hiding in a closet from his mom telling him to go to bed.

Tablets are for doing stuff on the move. I tend to use mine to read books, listen to music, play a few games and if I'm watching anything, it's not some streaming content, that's for sure.

If you're gonna think the Playbook is DOA, you could be right but certainly not with the sheer lack of logic you're displaying here.

Comment Because you don't own the app you purchase. (Score 2) 523

As an owner of a Playbook. I can say it was not my intention to purchase any apps for that device.

It was for music, videos and readying some ebooks. I also ended up using it to read and respond to my corporate email from my Blackberry.
It does all those pretty much to my satisfaction I have to say.

The only apps that interested me to round up the features of this tablet were a few games I found interesting. I ended up buying Star Front a StarCraft clone for 0.99 cents. The low price for the purchase was helping because I didn't feel like I would loose anything should the game not be worth it. I'm glad to say it was.

I then purchased Nova2 on the Playbook. Again for 0.99 cents. It came down from 6.99 I think which wasn't a price I was willing to pay for something I wasn't sure would be worth it and while I am enjoying it, tablets are not the best devices to play an FPS game. But for a dollar. I can't feel like I have something to complain about.

The problem in my view is that as a long time buyer of games. I have always owned the copy of any game I have bought.
Not in this case. I am not the owner here. I can't resell it or lend it to a friend. It's more like a long term rental. Once the Playbook's life ends. It's gone assuming I don't purchase the Playbook 2 instead of getting an Android device as my 2nd tablet. I don't imagine that I will be able to play it via emulation in the future like I was able to for old DOS games.
Maybe I will be proven wrong but that remains to be seen. So anything that is a high cost for a game I can't even test before purchasing is a situation where you feel like you need to tread carefully. I watched Youtube reviews of the games before buying them.

Comment People had put down other tablets for this one. (Score 1) 463

I bought a Playbook recently during the big sale they had. The only reason I feel it's worth mentioning this here is because of the flak I got from people saying they would rather buy the Kindle Fire for 199$ when it would be out rather than the Playbook when it was selling at the same price point.

It amazes me that people were expecting the Kindle Fire to be some high grade tablet. I wasn't expecting it to be terrible mind you but this just shows how people are putting down a perfectly good deal for a device they haven't even seen the performance of yet. I just have to shake my head on this one.

The Playbook has a lot that needs to be improved but hardware isn't one of the problems, even if the power button is hard to hit but you won't be turning this device off by accident I assure you and it does the basics stuff well which suits me fine.

I'm no trying to bash the Kindle Fire. I don't have one or have even seen one to determine it's worth. I'm just thinking people are quick to judge a product and in the case of the Kindle Fire from the article, people didn't bother to see if it was worth what they expected for 200$ and yet strangely enough, I felt the Playbook got shunned for that same 200$ value yet does seem to be able to perform well.

Comment Re:Xbox 360 - Worst Console In History (Score 1) 209

where do you get 65% failure rate from? made it up? or found it on some sony or nintendo or anti-microsoft website? either way, its bollocks. a 65% failure rate would have caused any product ever to have been made to be scrapped.

I believe the 65% failure was in the 1st year of the Xbox console. They would have a failure rate of 70% right out of the factory which is why there were so many failures of consoles sold out of those that made it out the door. They have of course improved since then and I believe that they are of a quality that is on par with their competitors now.

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