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Submission + - Searching for Backdoors from Rogue IT Staff (

WHiTe VaMPiRe writes: When IT staff are terminated under duress, there is often justification for a complete infrastructure audit to reduce future risk to a company. sysadmin1138 recently answered a question on Server Fault that provides a through exploration of the steps necessary to maintain security. Read more at How do you search for back doors from previous IT?

Comment Re:SHOCKING! (Score 1) 711

Can't really say I'm all that surprised. The more responsible/seasoned parents out there pretty much called b.s. on this long ago and actually discipline their kids instead of medicating them.

I presume most of these diagnoses are based on kids simply being kids. They're packed with energy and ready for playtime at a moment's notice. The early years of schooling is/was geared towards training them to control that behavoir. What the heck happened? What's next? Treating restless leg syndrome?*

*Disclaimer: I know no one with this personally, nor do I know if this really, truly is a severe medical condition. I use a pillow between my legs at night if their existence is bothering me.

Your disclaimer (while appreciated) disqualifies you from being allowed a score of 5 in my opinion. I was diagnosed with ADD at 12 and I'm now 28. It is very real and can be VERY crippling even if not in ways you would expect.

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