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Comment Re:Logically Logical Logic (Score 5, Informative) 510

Yes, that is correct. You should write your apps in Python.

Your libraries, you should write in Python first, because it is also a great prototyping language. If they work fine (which they will in most cases) you have saved yourself a bunch of time. If they are too slow, you have saved yourself a bunch of time by fixing algorithmic bugs in a flexible language like Python. It is now trivial to convert it to bug-free C or C++.

Comment Re:you are mistaken (Score 2) 292

I stand by my original post.

I did not take issue with the floating point irregularities. In fact, I also believe that the issues he experienced were not due to the FDIV problem he believed to be the cause. I probably would have used the fact that the last release of QuickBasic was in about 1989, before the widespread inclusion of FPUs in PCs, and that QuickBasic would almost certainly use software emulation for floating point arithmetic. It therefore would not have triggered a bug with the FDIV instruction.

What I did take issue with was your notion that he would have run on the AMD chip and seen a less accurate result. As I said, the bug he was talking about was the FDIV bug.

The idea that the QuickBasic would trigger an overheating-related bug on a 2006 Opteron is even more laughable than the OP's original troll post. :p

Comment Re:Why not both? (Score 1) 164

Yes, and no...

No, because a the fact relational databases are based off a first-order logic model doesn't mean that a RDBMS 'does' anything that another system couldn't do.

Also, don't forget that no current RDBMS completely implements the relational database model as originally defined.

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