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Comment Re:Ockham's razor (Score 2) 228

Not to belabor the obvious. This is one reason open source, over time, is more secure that closed source. Which would you rather rely on, software that has source code anybody can look at, or software that only the development company and the military of the world's sole superpower can look at?

Of course, nefarious elements can put subtle security bugs in open source projects, but one hopes over time that the community is able to find and eliminate them.

Comment Zune Lover turned Windows Phone Lover (Score 1) 1027

Full Disclosure
I had a free classic original Zune from my days as a Microsoft SDE. I ripped my 300+ CD collection to it, and loved it, never having owned an iPod, but seeing it as vastly better than my old crappy MP3 player. I longed for a "Zune" equivalent to the iPhone. When it was announced, I saw Windows Phone as the natural way to have consolidate my Zune with a my cell phone.

I am on Verizon, so I am stuck with a single model, the HTC Trophy. I love it, and my only complaint I ever have about it is this: Everywhere I look, apps are written for the more successful iPhone and Android platforms. It seems that except where Microsoft has ponied up some cash for the effort, the more popular apps don't get ported to it.

Comment Re:I understand the concept (Score 1) 210

I think another issue here that I haven't seen anyone mention at my level of filtering is this: How rude! Are we really becoming so ungracious that we can't appreciate someone's effort to give us something. If we really don't like it, still thank them, hold onto it for an appropriate amount of time, then re-gift, sell or give to charity.

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