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Comment My Samsung superamoled display got dim (Score 3, Interesting) 176

after only a few years of operation, there is a noticeable dimness to the screen, so that it is unusable in daylight.

I've read that AMOLED displays degrade quickly in their brightness.

Great for you if you are a company wanting to sell me a new phone every two years. Sucks for the consumer who might want to keep their phone 5 or even 8 years like I kept my last pre-smartphone.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

Selection can be confusing sometimes.

It turns out that low cost and recording time long enough to record a movie were more important adaptive advantages than better picture quality, when it came to attracting human buyers (economic mates, if you will) of the first video recording technology.

Similarly, low cost and the fact that everyone would have the same word processor were more important adaptive advantages for early PCs and their operating systems than, say, decent operating system software and command architecture, decent chip and memory architecture, software elegance and simplicity, or good-quality word processor design (e.g. Framemaker, lightyears superior to MSWord when they both began, but alas, too expensive and too "different" than what everyone else was using).
The first buyers just needed a computer that was cheap and compatible. Assymetrical information an network effects. Sigh.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

Many biological systems use small but non-zero amounts of iron, magnesium, lithium, zinc, copper, chromium, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, arsenic, molybdenum, manganese, selenium etc. Not sure but I believe these are made use of mainly in energy conversion or energy storage roles. Example: Hemoglobin.

Also as you say there is a lot of speculation about whether metals were needed to catalyze early reactions at the formation of life.

Something else: The metals also add stable solid structure and a lot of gravitational material-gathering effect to the planet as a whole. Material gathering is definitely a prerequisite for life formation.

Comment Um. We're intelligent and haven't explored (Score 1) 686

Beyond our solar system.

If it did take until around about now (in terms of numbers of stars in universe with heavy atom planets) for complex life to form, it's not really surprising others haven' visited us. It's paradoxical why Fermi expected them to have visited us when we haven't visited them.

Space is big. Really really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.

Comment Re: Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

Language (and before that no doubt complex gesturing) was one of the hallmarks of the flourishing of significantly greater intelligence in humans. As soon as you have those, every generation need not learn from scratch again, but can be taught by the previous generation (and by each other.)

That's one of the key advantages of intelligence: a means of communicating leading to mutually beneficial cooperation of individual organisms. Cultural learning is much faster than genetic-selection learning.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 3, Insightful) 686

One detail you miss is that when each step happens once, it reduces the probability of the same kind of step happening again locally, because the first occurrence is a competitor for the would-be second, and has a time advantage to have evolved to be a better competitor, or an assimilator. Remember, life is about pattern competition, and pattern amalgamation (if more effective than competition at prolonging the sub-patterns.)

Life is about information patterns competing with each other to pattern the matter and energy which both surrounds and hosts the information.

Probably quite likely to happen, so long as there is enough structural and functional vocabulary (molecular variety and molecular combination variety) for embodied information to have probable mechanisms for enacting their 3D printing. Oh and just enough thermodynamic free energy and gravity so that stuff comes together about as often as it blows apart. Oh and another probable requirement is a region (such as but not exclusively) Earth's surface region, where common elements exist in all three of gaseous, liquid, and solid form and can sometimes transition in phase. This latter condition is again part of ensuring there can be enough structural and functional vocabulary to make the mechanisms (containment in solid or semi-solid structure, flow of energy-transferring and material-transferring contained gases and fluids.)


Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 4, Interesting) 686

You are right. We don't know for sure.
But a large variety of elements with fundamentally different properties (different masses, different chemical bonding properties) yields a large vocabulary of different molecules with widely differing properties. This large vocabulary of structure allows for a large vocabulary of function, increasing the number of ways in which self-sustaining reaction groups (and eventually life) could occur.

Comment Re:Battery Life (Score 5, Interesting) 376

This kind of technology is obviously going to evolve, and have better battery life, not to mention, increased miniaturization.

It's going to get interesting once people (other than CIA operatives) start wearing camera+audio recorder technology that masquerades as stylish jewelry, or a baseball cap

I suspect that we're going to have to give up on being able to reliably ban such stuff.

That doesn't mean that certain uses of it won't still legitimately be considered douchebaggery.

Comment Re:Commander Data would fail the Turing test. (Score 1) 432

Of course the Commander Data character could think. Behaviourally, he demonstrated it all the time, comprehending his surroundings, forming goals, predicting outcomes, acting, assessing etc to meet those goals.

The really fake part was how Cmdr Data was unable to act as if he were emotionally affected by the situations he found himself in.
Put it this way: If you can make artificial intelligence of the level of a Cmdr Data, you can make artificial affect as well.

Affective processing (attachment of emotional tone and import to conceptualized aspects of context, in perception, memory, and thought) is almost certainly a necessary reasoning-prioritization mechanism, for an agent-housed artificial intelligence tasked with both its own survival, the welfare of team members, and general situation comprehension and handling.

There is never enough time to perceive all aspects of a context, to associate it with all possible related memories, and to pursue all possible hypotheses and plans related to it and to what to do next. You need selection of topic and aspect to focus perception on and to think about, dredge up, and plan about. Emotion-tagging and emotion-tagged associative organization of memory storage, provide such prioritization. Absolutely necessary to high-functioning and focussed functioning in complex evolving contexts. You can't even turn a context into a "situation model" until you've emotion/relevance prioritized the aspects to the perceivable context.

Comment Re:Ai vs Machine Intelligence (Score 2) 432

If you want to be thought of as knowledgeable on a subject like this, you might consider learning the difference between silicone and silicon.

Also, for the record, your distinction between AI and MI is BS. There have been many varieties of AI research, some inspired more by ideas about human brain function or human cognition, and some inspired less directly by those and more focussed on best exploiting computer-of-the-day capabilities.

All attempts which are not purely theoretical are implemented, and have since day 1 been implemented, in computing machines (which, needless to say, are artificial), so you are splitting hairs.

Whether the advanced computing research specialization of the day gets called by its proponent part of AI or not has nothing to do with fundamental distinctions, and more to do with funding fads and buzzwords-du-jour.

Comment Re:"psycopaths (sic) in government" (Score 0) 432

The thing with complaining about government, see, is that it's equivalent to volunteering (to become part of a better government, or define and implement a better government system.)

Oh, you don't want any government?

Best of luck with that. Say hi to your new gang leader overlord (Mr. Ben Dover), and mind you stay on his good side.

Comment Turing test is off topic (Score 2) 432

A turing test is testing such human experience aspects as:
- aculturation (what the person has been taught through education and socialization during their whole life up to that point)
- bias in expression based on typical human likes, dislikes, needs, desires, avoidances

Tarzan / wolf-boy would probably fail the Turing test based on the first factor. Might be very intelligent though.
Second aspect is just characteristic of a particular type of being that makes use of intelligence. Intelligent aliens would also have likes, dislikes, needs, desires, avoidances, simply based on also being self-interested "keep it together" beings, but the specifics might be very different, and would cause a fail of TT.

These experiential and situational and specific-agent-needs-desires-avoidances aspects have very little to do with the essence of intelligence.
General intelligence is probably better assessed through specific carefully designed tests designed to assess:
1) Concept learning, procedure learning capability in arbitrarily general contexts
2) Prediction of situation outcomes with novelty in situation presentations.
3) Ability to answer questions or take actions that show comprehension of essential / invariant aspects of situations, after opportunity to learn similar situations through either direct sensory input or linguistic instruction.

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