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Comment Re: Simple answer (Score 2) 800

Actually, I'm pretty sure the correct answer will be calculated and given to programmers by insurance companies.
They have a very well defined and characterized value of human life - at different stages of life, too. And for situations like these the formulas will drive them. Hitting a Mercedes with a real estate agent in it will likely be more costlier than bumping a Yaris off the road.

Comment Re:I would think (Score 1) 379

>> And much of is in still in use - embedded devices that last for 15+ years, for example.

Nobody in their right mind uses OpenSSL in embedded projects. There are much better suited alternatives out there.

The line between "embedded" or non-embedded systems is somewhere where you have an MMU to use or not.

Comment Static analysis ? (Score 1) 582

In all this hoopla i havent bothered to look at the code in question yet, but im always slightly dismayed when i throw some popular open source stacks at commonly available but expensive static analysis tools like Coverity or Klocwork.
There are plenty of companies running full open source stack servers with the licenses available - i wonder how often things like OpenSSL and other critical infrastructure pieces go through the best static analysis tools available ? And how much of it gets addressed.

Comment Re:more pseudo science (Score 3, Informative) 869

There are dozens of ways of obtaining indirect climate data, and they are already compiled into comprehensive databases. You would have to show more than one of them being substantially wrong to disprove the full reconstructions.
These data sets are continuously reviewed, amended and further improved by thousands of people around the world.
You want to call all of it "questionable data" - please publish your papers.

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