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Comment The next fatality will be from the police (Score 0) 325

Come on, the biggest danger will be unregulated law enforcement use of these things for 'public safety, spying on people and parking lots. Because in a world of untrained asshole cops and Federal agencies who don't see a 'near miss' as anything at all, you're going to see more and more of it. Anyway, why do you think it's flying at an airport? To find the rare idiot shining a laser at planes.

Comment Oh please (Score -1) 398

There is no more arrogant self important self worshiping group of narcissists than IT people and coders. Each of them believes they are seconds away from a Nobel Prize and will therefore never stoop to organizing or needing or claiming to need anyone's help. I have heard this nonsense for going on 35 years and it never changes. IT people think they are god's gift to the world and IT people get cut, outsourced every single day. And even if you ask the people who just got fired, they tell you it's because of something personal or bad management. Never, not ever does anyone come to the conclusion that the whole business-employment-employee model is broken and they're all screwed in the long run. Never occurs to them. If you don't like the way are abused then there's a few things to consider: 1) suck it up 2) you're not a snowflake 3) change your jobs and/or career, or 4) everyone else in nearly every other job or profession is treated the same way.

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What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
