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Comment Re:Hold the Spin (Score 1) 709

Some has stated (and rightly so) that we should call our congresspeople an voice our opinions. Even provided a nice little link to congressional contact information. I would say we should send letters, and not a form letter or e-mail. Form letters, e-mails and online petitions are not taken seriously. Take an hour and (neatly) put pen to paper describing your stance. Hundreds of pounds of post making its way to D.C. has an undeniable veracity.

I also think FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski needs a few thousand letters of support on his current path.

Comment What is old is new again... (Score 1) 1

While the connotation of a white, fluffy cloud floating along in cyberspace is diametrically opposed to a big, black lump of iron sitting in a server room, these two are essentially the same. Big Iron and terminals have returned, but now we call them clouds and netbooks (or smart-phones.)

Submission + - Will the Capping Stack Cap the Leak? (

An anonymous reader writes: BP said it will be lowering a connector onto a leaking pipe that will be bolted onto the remains of the well bore.
Then the cappin stack can be securely fitted compared to the previous cap. This all depends on how the seabed can cope with the increased pressure, we will keep you posted on this.


Submission + - Gaming in the cloud, a good idea? ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: The biggest PC games in the world all have an intrinsic relationship with the internet. Blizzard's World of Warcraft juggernaught is designed around players being constantly connected. In essence the game is one big database — when you throw fireballs at a gigantic dragon you are actually just querying a database. Take away the database and there is no World of Warcraft, just a set of art assets and a map viewer. But this level of online integration is nothing compared to services launching at the moment. The most prominent of these is Onlive, but there is also a similar service called Gakai that is readying for launch. These companies run the entire game on their server farms. The end user essentially ends up with a video stream that responds to their key and mouse presses. If this works it has the potential to completely change the landscape of gaming. Why bother to build an expensive PC when you can game on any old thing? This article looks at whether cloud gaming is actually a good idea, or just a pipe dream.

Submission + - Must you keep left? 1

medcalf writes: Tom Tom has released Star Wars voices for their GPS units. Darth Vader, C-3P0 and Yoda are currently available, with Han Solo apparently coming. The joke in the title, by the way, is from the "studio recordings" of the voices.

Submission + - Escher Lithographs Recreated Entirely With Lego

colenski writes: Andrew Lipson is a lego freak who does amazing creations. Neatorama has a nice page detailing his efforts in recreating famous Escher lithographs as real, 3D objects. He does admit to cheating a bit (to create the distortion in "Balcony", for example, he hacked together an image transform in C) but, still, the results are brilliant. For Escher and Lego fans, this is a must-see. Construction details for "Balcony", "Ascending and Descending", "Belevedere", "Relativity" and "Waterfall" are provided. Nice.

Comment Re:Why did Intel even need to do this? (Score 1) 169

You answered your own question. The K8 product line beat anything Intel was pushing during that time frame. It should have given AMD a sizable portion of the market share. The performance was that much better. In a free market, the obviously better product should take the market share, and as fast as the IT market moves, there should have a perceptible wave in market share and profit flowing into AMD. Who knows where AMD R&D would have gone with the influx of cash.

Comment Re:Real world loans are going to really freak you (Score 1) 1259

You can always become a teacher in the inner city or work 2 years for Peace Corps or any of the other methods the government has setup for most or all of your loan to be FORGIVEN.

It has probably been said before, but it bares repeating. TANSTAAFL, let this be your first real world example that. There are alternative ways to replay your loan. For an example:

Peace Corps. Volunteers may apply for deferment of Stafford, Perkins and Consolidation loans and partial cancellation of Perkins Loans (15% for each year of service, up to 70% in total). Volunteers make a real difference in the lives of real people with two years of service in more than 70 developing countries. Contact the Peace Corps at 1111 20th St., NW, Washington, DC 20526 or call 1-800-424-8580 or 1-202-692-1845.

Load Forgiveness Programs

I always wondered how my life would have changed if I had gone this route. I have this romanticized vision of working in dangerous, tropical climates with hot, altruistic babes with advanced degrees. I find a nice one and after a few years toiling away at toughest job we ever loved, we enter private industry and are bowled over by the size of our first paycheck. And since we were have a large portion of our loans out of the way and are accustomed to spartan living, we start building a roc sized nest egg. The naivete of youth.

Games Accounts Becoming Mandatory For WoW 234

An anonymous reader tips news that Blizzard will be requiring all World of Warcraft players to use accounts to log into the game starting on November 11th. After that time, players who don't switch will be unable to play the game. Some time after the transition is complete, players will be able to "participate in cross-realm chat in World of Warcraft, create real-life friends lists, and communicate across different games." More details on the new and what it will do are available in our Blizzcon wrap-up and interviews from August. Naturally, the idea that the new is getting closer to deployment has sparked speculation that the StarCraft II beta might come along soon.

Comment Re:Excellent news! (Score 1) 238

I am still on the fence about this and "by definition stupid" just does not do it for me. Patents were made to protect the effort and investment spent on innovation. If I build a new, novel system, I want to recoup my initial investment and make some profit without worrying about some other company copying my idea just for the cost of implementation. So is a software patent stupid because you cannot invent a new, novel system that is purely developed in software?

Let there be a widget A that does novel thing X via purely solid state components. Let there be a widget B that does novel thing X via software. If widget B is just a COTS PC, and the software was developed before widget A, is widget B not patentable. Two systems exist that do a novel thing. One is patentable because its build of components but the other is not because its a program that runs on a computer? Yes, its a generalized thought experiment and not a real world example, but I think it represents the question.

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