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Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 1) 703

That's true about all facts, whether identified by denialists or alarmists.

Not sure who you mean by "alarmists" unless you mean those people who erroneously claim that we don't know what has caused the recent warm spike (and we are therefore doomed). I just lump those deniers in with the rest of the gibbering mass of deniers.

If you'd like to talk about particular ones, however, please, see my challenge in the post higher up [].

You aren't in a position to proffer challenges. Your only role is to prove either (a) that the laws of physics can be defied or (b) that a vast time travelling zombie conspiracy rages across the planet, and the invisible ghost of Tyndall has tricked us into believing that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

The zombie Tyndall version is slightly more entertaining, but I'm sure the magical explanation will amuse as well. I leave the choice up to you. Now hop to it.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 1) 703

The point is that the pontiff's — or, for that matter, any other non-scientist celebrity — agreement with a supposedly scientific argument, adds no more weight to it, than a disagreement by the same celebrity would have removed.

That's right.

Claims by denialists: be they celebrities, shock jocks, politicians, random guys on the internet, make not one speck of difference to the actual science, since the laws of physics can't be defied, no matter the the strength of opinion otherwise.

It turns out that facts are, in fact, factual.

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 5, Insightful) 441

I love the framing of this issue: as if only a fringe of people think global warming is an issue, whilst 'we' sit skeptically waiting for a presentation on how 'we' benefit from taking action.

Grow up, and learn how the world really works.

Nobody is going to come back with a half way narrative, a compromised view of global warming for you to sign up to. Nobody is going to say: "Oh I see you won't agree that 5 degrees of warming is too much - let's say 7.5 degrees is the acceptable limit, deal?" Neither is the issue just going to quietly go away if you ignore it for long enough. It's a simple, brutal fact - the warming just keeps getting more and more obvious.

Grow up, get over it, and get on with it.

Otherwise, you can wait for us to get angry enough to sue you for the damage you've caused, take your stuff, and use the funds to make the necessary changes.

How bout them apples?

Comment Re:Great to see (Score 4, Informative) 152

We stopped sending humans to space because technology progressed and humans are no longer needed.

How can you say that technology has receded? That is so far from the facts that I cannot believe that you said that deliberately.

Did you forget that last year we landed on a Comet? Did you forgot the Titan Landing, the minor issue of our presence on Mars for what - 15 continuous years now? Did you forget Cassin, Voyager, MESSENGER? Did you forget that even at this moment we are on the brink of our first good look at Pluto?

You live in a bizarre world.

Comment Re:Great to see (Score -1, Troll) 152

Since 1969 there have been people living on Earth who have visited another world. It would be a terrible failure of humanity if one day this was no longer true.

Why is that? We don't consider the passing of other outdated technology as a failure. For example, "It would be a terrible failure of humanity if one day no one was ale to make a buggy whip"

Comment Re:keep on calculating [Don't speculate, calculate (Score 1) 719

Sure. Once you've done the numbers to support your hypothesis then get back to us. At the moment, to be honest, it sounds like more wild speculation. Let's say your hypothesis is correct and undersea volcanoes have reduced the ability of the ocean to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Wouldn't this act in such a way as to increase the sensitivity of the climate to anthropogenic CO2 emissions?

Comment Re:Established science CANNOT BE QUESTIONED! (Score 1) 719

Funny, because the science that I learned about in college was ALL ABOUT being constantly questioned.

Presumably they mentioned at your place of learning that to question science you need to use science, not superstition: e.g. "I don't trust this science because that scientists has a beard and he might be a hippy"

Comment Re:Established science CANNOT BE QUESTIONED! (Score 1) 719

When climate alarmists stop pretending that the dispute is over the degree of human influence on climate, and how much different countries should spend to mitigate anthropogenic climate change (or other kinds!), they might start to get traction with skeptics. Also when they start acting like the situation is as bad as they claim it is.

Funny how the view of 'the dispute' is so inconsistent. You say the dispute is not about the science, yet there are denialists posting in this very thread who say that it IS: this guy , or this guy or this guy. You guys need to sit down and nut and what it is, exactly, that you have against the more commonly held position on climate. At the moment, you look like clowns.

I know that when I used an electric sous vide cooker to make pork chops for dinner last night, it was worse for the climate than if I ate raw vegetables, and better than if I grilled a slab of steak over a bonfire. I know that living in the suburbs emits more greenhouse gases than living in a tiny apartment in a big city. I am thoroughly unconvinced that forcing most people to live like the alarmists claim we should (but usually don't live themselves) will yield the claimed benefits, or be worth the costs even if the benefits would be as claimed.

If I wanted to classify your position I would call it "superstition". It is, essentially a belief that climate change is about good people and bad people. Various (curiously unnamed) people you claim are "alarmists" and are hyprocritical, and therefore the scientific basis of their position is wrong. One would think that if the science of mitigation were actually wrong, if the economic model was wrong, that you could find and demonstrate those flaws, rather than engage in bone pointing ceremonies.

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