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Comment Re:My approach (Score 0) 288

you do not need a commercial device to use RAM as storage. All you need to do is add more ram to your conventional system and use a ramdisk driver ( under windows) or mount a file system as tmpfs (under linux). Just don't forget to back everything up once per half hour (less or more frequent according to power/system stability), and just before shutting down. Of course if you are compiling, and all you ar interested in is the binary, just save those and dump the rest.

oth. if you are using ssds please if you have your home directory in it, put your firefox cache in tmpfs/ramdisk.

Comment Re:Early (Score 0) 388

we add as a security feature that the padlock when held upside down will open with the combination/key.

Should have been: we add as a security feature that the padlock when held upside down will open without the combination/key.

Comment Re:Early (Score 0) 388

Which of course will need a button to be disabled as well..
So now we have a vault with a complex combination, Which can be opened by turning it on it's side. Now we are going to add a second layer to the security, so we are adding a padlock. To make sure the padlock and the safe can be opened in case of emergency, we add as a security feature that the padlock when held upside down will open with the combination/key. All of this will need another security......etc, etc.

The best way to secure a microsoft windows based system, is by leaving the power switched OFF.
On that note the only way to secure any system at all is by leaving it powered off in a vault and throwing away the key, so no one can steal the hardware.

Fun Dance Dance Revolution Mod Hits the Pavement 22

It seems that the Newport Aquarium in Northern Kentucky has a cool custom mod for their Dance Dance Revolution game. Frogger. Yes, you too can hop your way to 8-bit excitement with this cool mod. The game was unveiled as a part of "The Frog Bog" exhibit, which is a celebration of all things froggy. It's always fun to see neat little mod projects like this.

Submission + - SPAM: Wine 1.0 Release Criteria updated

twickline writes: "On March 15th Dan Kegel sent a email to the wine-devel mailing list with a outline of the new release schedule for Wine 1.0

Alexandre Julliard replied with his thoughts on the first draft with some suggestions.

We need a code freeze and stabilization period before the release. My thinking is that we should have a 1.0rc1 release, probably sometime in May, and from that point on only accept small obvious fixes. Then we'd have rc2, rc3, etc. as needed until the bug list gets small enough. And by rc1 (or even earlier) any bug that requires more than a small simple patch would be deferred to 1.1.0."

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AI Researchers Say 'Rascals' Might Pass Turing Test 337

An anonymous reader writes "Passing the Turing test is the holy grail of artificial intelligence (AI) and now researchers claim it may be possible using the world's fastest supercomputer (IBM's Blue Gene). This version of the Turing test pits a human conversing with a synthetic character powered by Rascals software crafted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. RPI is aiming to pass AI's final exam this fall, by pairing the most powerful university-based supercomputing system in the world with its new multimedia group which is designing a holodeck, a la Star Trek."

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