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Comment GM Diesels (Score 1) 249

It's 2015 and Americans are still dealing with the backlash over the terrible diesels that GM released in the 70s.

I laugh to myself every time someone tries to tell me how 'awesome' their 30 MPG is. I've been driving at 45-50MPG since I bought my first car 20 years ago.

Sadly we don't even get the best diesels Europe has to offer because there just isn't a big enough market.

Comment Re:Welcome! (Score 1) 1083

I wish.

There will be republicans that double down on trying to reverse ACA and gay marriage.

Today's ruling doesn't change that fact," House Speaker John Boehner said. "[W]e will continue our efforts to repeal the law and replace it with patient-centered solutions that meet the needs of seniors, small business owners, and middle-class families."

Comment Re:Well they're getting closer to the truth (Score 1) 473

She's unfortunately part of the current 12 year old generation of thinking that she knows about technology because she can use it.

What ever she does I guarantee there's something that's boring and repetitive that she hates to do. Upload photos to Facebook on 'throw back thursday'? Write a python script to parse all of your images randomly select 5 and upload them. She can maintain the same things that she's doing now but will have more free time and at the end of the day.

Name something your daughter is interested in or does and I can probably think of something to do.

Comment Re:Will universities still teach ugrads in 30 year (Score 1) 89

Are you sure that they need to go to college? College isn't for everyone. The trades need intelligent people too. You can get paid for your apprenticeship/internship and work all day with your hands. The 21st century trades are the 20th century college degrees. Stuff gets easier & simpler to use/understand until it just requires someone smart/clever with training and not someone with a full degree. IT and Plumbing have a lot in common. You don't need to know fluid dynamics to know how to do plumbing.

You're already starting to see a shift in the medical community. Your average physicians assistant and nurse can do more than a medical doctor from 100 years ago. With the cost of health care rising they're going to start shifting work down to people with less skills. My wife has 4 years of residency, 4 years of medical school, 4 years of college and I would still trust a 'apprentice' trained nurse to put in an IV. My wife hasn't done the procedure in years. It's a waste of her medical knowledge and resources to have her put in IVs. In 20 years (if not sooner) there's going to be a robot that can scan you arm (they have that already), see where to poke and do it all before you know what happened.

IMHO IT is going to become a trade in the next 20 years. Like other trades they need to unionize and stop letting companies treat them how they are. After it's a trade then it's unskilled labor then automated.

Comment Re:Teachers (Score 3, Informative) 89

"Teaching" as we know it is going to be replaced. We will always have teachers and people that foster learning but it will not be done as it is done now. K-12 virtual schools have taken off in Michigan. They have all online and 'hybrid' programs as well.

As a high performing student I would have watched Kahn Academy until I couldn't keep my eye lids up. The times I did have a question it could have been answered clearly and easily by someone in a video.

You're going to have super star teachers on youtube or other learning channel answering high level questions. (Like how Stack Exchange works). For those people that need hands on learning (which is a small subset of everyone) they will get hands on learning in person.

Why does a tiny small school in the middle of nowhere need both a French AND Spanish teacher when you could have someone in Spain and France teaching them through Youtube and interacting through Skype. Look at how Duolingo[0] has taken off. That's something that can be introduced to a 3 year old and they will intuitively pick up without fighting 13 years of trying to 'unlearn' some things in English.

Teaching as we know it is going to be automated away by technology. Code Academy taught me python syntax in an afternoon. It's clear and straight forward enough that I'm trying to get my wife to learn coding.

I would have spent every waking hour doing Code Academy in one window with Kahn Academy in the other if I had those tools available to me in high school. Instead I got stuck in some math classes with people that didn't care or distracted the teacher from actually teaching. In that scenario I would have benefited from where technology is taking teaching. So will a lot of other students.

Teachers are already experimenting with Fliped classrooms where students watch the lecture as 'homework' and the homework is done in class when the teacher is available. There's no reason the 'interacting with a teacher' part can't be done online. [Some rural schools are rolling out alternatives to 'snow days' where the students still learn at home](

There was a story that I can't find now about a teacher that had students write the book for the next semester. Take a classroom of 8th graders and have them make a LaTeX/Wiki page for each chapter they learn about. Make it the final class project and have different groups take a different chapter. The next semester improve on it. After a year or two you'll have a very well written and vetted wikibook on a class.

Why do teacher spend so much of their time on lesson plans? That's something that should have a good central Git repository. If you have a different style of teaching fork the project and make your own. Let teachers merge revisions back. You should have a good set of lesson plans, books, etc all. End the big book cartel and just start publishing LaTeX books for K-12.

I sit at home 400 miles away from my boss. I use my webcam for meetings. I push and pull git repos over VPN. There's no reason learning can't be facilitated in the same way. The best part about it is I can work it into my schedule. Some days I'm up at 4 am coding and feeding the kid. When the kid goes down for a nap, so do I. Then I'll work until midnight with dinner, TV and time with the wife intermixed. Apple has "At Home Advisors" so that people can get tech support from an American working at home. My company has moved almost all IT support to people working from home. Parents don't have to choose between raising a family and working.

With online courses my kids will learn the same way I work. If we want to go on vacation for a month in Germany all we need is internet access and both him and I can get our work/school work done and then eat dinner at a delicatessen, talk German with some locals and do some sight seeing. The learning and work still gets done but it didn't require a teacher in a classroom or even a building.

[0]. Check out DuoLingo, it's 'online learning' and work books done right for foreign languages. I can't wait until my son is old enough to start playing with the Android app.

Comment Re:Well they're getting closer to the truth (Score 1) 473

In my 30s in mechanical engineering and this is my exact experience as well.

When it comes down to 'equal pay' personal life choices play into this. I chose to leave the workplace to raise our family. My wife had a better/more stable job. As a couple we sat down and decided that it would be best for our family if I stayed home and she worked.

Now that I've been out of the work place my skills are behind. I don't know what the latest TLAs or technologies are in my field. I have a gap in my resume that can only be filled with "Domestic Engineer". If I never go back to industry my lifetime earnings will be 1/3rd of what my classmates made. Why? Because they didn't leave the work force.

On the flip side of that there is a young female manager at our company that has been climbing fast. She didn't have kids but her and her family adopted older ones. She never took leave from the office. Even as a mid level manager she was the first one in PPE. Because of that she got promoted up. Both of those were our life decisions. If you want people to stop that from being an issue stop punishing them for their decisions. Something like parental leave in the US competitive with other first world countries.

All these initiatives keep trying to sell girls on STEM without figuring out how to sell STEM to girls. Programming, science, technology, engineering, math are all tools to do something else faster/easier/better.

I love baking (take that gender stereotypes, it's what a stay at home dad does) and there is a huge market for making stuff that makes baking easier. I hate measuring liquids since it just takes time. I want a bartender bot for water, oil, vinegar, flour, sugar, etc. I want to take a QR code picture of a recipe and have it measure out all of the above into a bowl. My next project is to make a PID controlled ramp/soak controller for baking so that I can have the perfect crust by doing a proper temp profile.

I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to learn programming because the first thing I'm going to ask her is "What do you hate to do?". I'm the laziest engineer I know because if I have to do something twice I'd rather write a script/program to do it. Getting girls to try and solve the problems of 5 year old boys isn't going to make them interested in something. Just sit down and ask a 5 year old girl what frustrates her and figure out how to make Programming+STEM do it for them. And if it's something that is 'cliché' for little girls to like, who cares? What if Barbie had a self driving car? In an afternoon Barbie could have a self balancing Segway and line following Barbie car.

If there is a trinket or toy that they want/need, figure out how to 3D print it. If the part breaks, figure out why. Our local librarian bought a 3D printer with grant money and is trying to turn our tiny library into a small maker space. She has a bunch of 3D models of jewelry and small things to get girls interested in it, and it works. Sure they are low quality cheap parts but the real 'product' is that the girls know G-code, grbl, parametric modeling, etc. So that when they can afford to they can buy a CNC Machine to turn jewelry. I've already told her that I can teach the kids how to use the 3D printer to make a mold to pour actual metal. Johnny Tremain was 14 and doing the same stuff. (But didn't have good PPE). If she came out and said that a girl reached the limit of what the 3D printer could do I'd personally pay for the next model up.

If boys like destruction, battle bots will get them into it. If girls aren't into destruction it doesn't matter how much money you throw at getting girls into the battle bot arena, the only ones that are going to bite are the ones that would have been interested in it anyway.

And for the love of god it doesn't need to be Pink. Stop Pinkwashing.

Comment Re:Different from Jails? (Score 1) 48

Talk about high level requirements?

Lets use an already existing jail manager:

Then it's just a matter of figuring out a setup config that is both extensible but KISS.

$ cat repo/config.yml
jail: myawesomejail
    - nginx
    - nmap
    - mysql-server
    - python3.4

Then maybe a 'faux filesystem' of stuff to copy.

$ cat repo/usr/local/etc/nginx.conf
# My super special nginx config

Then some sort git hooks/scripts and config parser for git. I prefer python but just because I'm learning it. But if it was done it tcsh or sh it would work 'out of the box' on a bare bones FreeBSD.

Then figure out a way build a nanobsd build that you could install to a flash drive that would contain a bare bones FreeBSD install to act as 'dom0' and some way to point it to some ZFS pools.

All managed through Git/Gitolite.

Then all of your config files are versioned and you have to commit and push them to be active. Need a way to start/stop.

Anything I'm leaving out? I don't do this for a living, I just want something stupid easy to make new jails.

Comment Re:The Fuck? (Score 3, Funny) 175

Hush, the 20 year olds think they invented something.

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

Once you get a B.S., you think you know everything. Once you get an M.S., you realize you know nothing. Once you get a Ph.D., you realize no one knows anything!

Comment Re:Different from Jails? (Score 1) 48

Git-like method for managing and building images.

No reason to make it 'like'. Just use Git and commit hooks.

Some sort of yaml file to describe the Jail with mountpoints. A 'filesystem' folder with any config file changes.

Add something like gitolite to the base file system and you have everything you need to manage a 'fleet' of jails from the command line and git.

Comment Re:Please fix slashdot (Score 1) 116

Anyone want to kickstart a new site? Between all the sites going to this and people trying to keep Voat offline so Redditor's don't have any alternative I'm ready to just go back to IRC & Usenet.

Toss on a small daemon to handle voting of Usenet articles, add a web front end for people that can't use anything else and just have a place for intelligent discussion with moderation, decentralized.

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