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Comment Re:This is how the US is shooting itself in the fo (Score 1) 152

This. I studied (at a trivial level) economics at school back in 1986 and it was already well-understood that protectionism is bad for the country doing it. Yet successive governments in so-called civilized countries keep on doing it because it wins votes and appeals to lowest common denominator bases. See also printing money instead of hitting the reset button or at least allowing some short-term suffering for the sake of long-term stability.

Comment Re:Naive question (Score 1) 30

Cheaper than the $86B figure that was being touted is what I was getting at. And the end result is that they've got the bulk of the personnel and none of the debts or other corporate paraphernalia. The stock drop is ephemeral as you said. Stock_holders_ wouldn't be bothered, only speculators.

But I'm just spit-balling, don't mind me.

Comment Re:Must be a lot of bad CS teachers then (Score 1) 66

Bad form, replying to self, but there you go.

I happen to agree that Universities shouldn't be vocational colleges and should teach how to learn. But that hasn't been the reality for a couple of decades now (in the UK at least). The students pay the fees and expect to get the skills to get the job. Sad.

So I'm more inclined to say "Bad government, making education a profit-driven industry", "Bad students, expecting to be hand-fed knowledge for interview questions" and "Bad company, for pulling the rug" than I am to blame the teachers.

Comment Re:Must be a lot of bad CS teachers then (Score 1) 66

YEAH! And preparing syllabuses is zero-effort so they should just stop whinging. They've only got to rewrite their course materials in all their free time. Bad teachers. And the school's tech people (if they have them) have only got to find a whole new platform to teach with. No biggy.

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