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Comment Thanks for giving up on poor students (Score 3, Insightful) 86

and shifting your efforts towards people who can complete courses, those who can do well in traditional college courses.

What’s got the academic Internet’s frayed mom jeans in a bunch, however, is that Thrun’s alleged mea culpa is actually a you-a culpa. For Udacity’s catastrophic failure to teach remedial mathematics at San Jose State University, Thrun blames neither the corporatization of the university nor the MOOC’s use of unqualified “student mentors” in assessment. Instead, he blames the students themselves for being so damn poor.

The way Fast Company has it, Thrun chucks those San Jose State students under the self-driving Google car faster than he chugs up a hill on his custom-made road bike, leaving a panting Max Chafkin in the dust to ponder the following Thrunism: “These were students from difficult neighborhoods, without good access to computers, and with all kinds of challenges in their lives. It's a group for which this medium is not a good fit.”

Apparently students fail MOOCs because those students have the gall to be poor.

The problem, of course, is that those students represent the precise group MOOCs are meant to serve. “MOOCs were supposed to be the device that would bring higher education to the masses,” Jonathan Rees noted. “However, the masses at San Jose State don’t appear to be ready for the commodified, impersonal higher education that MOOCs offer.” Thrun’s cavalier disregard for the SJSU students reveals his true vision of the target audience for MOOCs: students from the posh suburbs, with 10 tablets apiece and no challenges whatsoever—that is, the exact people who already have access to expensive higher education.

Comment Re:FB2K FTW (Score 1) 400

I've heard of using AudioGalaxy instead of the built in audio of XBMC, but since it's gone too I'm wondering if anyone has found a great match for XBMC integration. I'm still doing MP3Tag then moving to XBMC's folders which is much too manual for my liking.

Comment Can't I just have (cheap android phones) (Score 2) 310

... something better than my old HTC 3G EVO that runs latest android for a decent price? I'm switching to Ting and don't mind buying behind the curve, but it's not easy to get something at the same budget I'm used to when I get the phone(s) mostly subsidized from Sprint. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong review sites to find a peppy cheap android.

Comment Jitsi (Score 1) 330

I tried Jitsi on windows, wasn't pretty and crashed a ton at first, forget exactly why but it was like 6 months ago. One of the signup websites was down, I think it was for SIP. I'm using it for consolidating several google accounts, a yahoo, but no video/audio chat. For consolidated chat I might as well go back to Pidgin. And 99% of the time everyone just texts me via SMS (google voice) or Skype on Win7 desktop and phone. I've got only a very few people who use google chat or yahoo chat and thus Jitsi.

Comment LinkedIn is not a social network (Score 1) 122

Not sure how it keeps getting called a social network. It's an evil that has taken over a large segment of the job hunting market, especially in IT. I've got an account but actually read what I click so I haven't spammed my email contacts, and definitely won't be installing their crapware app. - HEX

Comment Re:What evidence do you have that you're being DoS (Score 1) 319

First to the AC above: That link was intentionally mangled just to give an example of what a bunch of pissed off gamer hackers might say. And yes, a wider example is the Internet itself! ;) To your comment: The entire point is to have a discussion on this topic and related topics. My comment was towards the ease of setting up something simple like an automatic DynDNS updater and the simple stuff should never be ignored. This is extremely relevant to the discussion and falls in line with other suggestions and testing devices singly. Setting up your OS to mitigate attacks is all to the good but if they can find you because you're giving your IP away on each change they can still overwhelm you.

Comment Re:What evidence do you have that you're being DoS (Score 3, Insightful) 319

and it follows you that quickly, then YOU are broadcasting your location

Exactly, it doesn't even have to be sophisticated, setup Dynamic DNS on router/internal PC and it'll play follow the leader for years. "looks like http://imaspawncamper.noobstoddos.dynamicdns.moc/ is back up on nother MAC and IP lulz"

Comment Re:We didn't need considerations... (Score 3, Insightful) 348

How do you know I don't produce valuable content? I produce valuable (copyright) material, writings, pics, videos, and more, and I don't want DRM. Costs money to create new original content, yet no DRM on *anything* I've produced, and I want money for what I've produced. Even making it freely available to view on my website and youtube I still want money for certain uses and still hold the copyright. - HEX

Comment We didn't need considerations... (Score 4, Insightful) 348

I can hear the argument in a few years "We didn't need considerations when we implemented DRM, why should we actually give some now when it could cause problems". Fuck the whole argument, we don't need DRM and we don't need considerations now or later. Leave both out. - HEX

Comment Re:Open Source the Tab Code (Score 2) 194

Option C (what you are suggesting): - Open Source it. Matt won't get any donations anymore, Facebook can still block him, keep his fan page removed. Matt also mentioned that Facebook has added FBPurity and other projects to a list of URLs that can not be shared on Facebook -- so they could do that too with a open source project.

The Tab code could be spun off as a separate open source project, which is what I suggested, not that he open source the entire thing.

Additionally who says open source can't get donations anymore? He can get donations for his complying software and donations for the open source script separately.

As for adding his URL to a blacklist, why would they add the complying Social Fixer to the blacklist if the Tab code is a separate open source script? We all know how fast the Streisand Effect spreads news in the tech world, those who want the extra functionality will spread the news even if Facebook demands he not link to the open source Tab program/script.

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