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Comment Re:To hell with taxis... (Score 1) 295

May I assume youre one of those people that use taxis about twice a year? If so, I can understand why Uber doesnt appeal to you. I use taxi/driving services at least 2-3 times a week, if not more. I also just tallied what I have spent on Uber(not including curb side pickup) this year which totals to $1494.28. I am someone who uses services like this a lot, I definitely have an authority on what is more convenient or not which is what Uber provides.

If the regular taxi companies cant get their shit together and become more reliable(why i dont call taxi dispatch services anymore), i am going to use a service that does work and that happens to be Uber.

FYI - where I live(chicago), Uber incorporates Taxis as well as black cars, all which are licensed. Taxis turn theirs on during the downtime of the day to pick up fares but youd be lucky to find any during busy times when they can pick up customers on the street. Disruptive? Not at all to the driver, they make money during off times with it. Its the cab companies that dont like it.

Evolve or die. Plain and simple. I dont see why people have so much hatred towards a service, especially if the majority of the population doesnt used it according to you.

Comment Re: To hell with taxis... (Score 1) 295

In the sense that I know exactly what I'm paying for because it's spelled out to me before I get in the car, yes. Taxis can charge whatever they want.

Oh, my meters broken, I forgot to tell you.
Sorry, my cc reader doesn't work, I'll need cash
Sorry, my cc reader doesn't work, I'll take a carbon copy of you card to run later
How about I take around half the city before arriving at your destination

Hi, are you Rob? Great, want to take the way recommended by the app since you out in your destination?

That's it for uber. No haggling. No questioning what the rate is. It just works and you know what you're getting into before hand and have a receipt issued with all info including route emailed to you.

Comment Re:Finally some HONESTY (Score 1) 295

I never said anything about regulations. I talked about the reliability of taxis who aren't in the uber network and why I don't use them.

If yellow cab, 312, 303, checker, etc could improve their reliability then I would certainly use their direct services more often. Since the regulated taxis haven't addressed that, I'll stick with the regulated taxis/black cars in the uber network.

Comment Re:Finally some HONESTY (Score 1) 295

Yes, you pay more for the different tiers. Uberx is cheaper and depending on the driver, I've had extremely nice cars with water provided if you want. Taxis are the regular taxi charge and black cars a tiny amount more. I am someone who pays $30-50 a night in car services so it's really great to have the different options available.

Comment Re:Finally some HONESTY (Score 1) 295

Maybe what we should look at is why uber is so successful. I don't use regular taxi services(call for taxi) because they never come or it takes up to an hour or more for them to arrive. With uber, they place me in touch not only with taxis, but uberx(personal cars), SUVs and black cars(licensed livery service). I get picked up in 10 min max each time with usual turn around time in the 2-5 min range.

Maybe if taxis were more reliable, they wouldn't have gotten themselves in this situation. Uber is filling a void in service because taxis can't deliver that and the public wants something more convenient.

Comment Re:Never Again (Score 1) 130

The difference being that organized religion doesnt offer evolving products that meet certain needs. Sony offers products with different and new capabilities. Whos to say that they dont come out with a product that someone who swore off Sony might want. With religion, nothig changes and you know what you get right with each one since they all only offer one product that doesnt evolve(much).

Comment Re:don't use biometrics (Score 1) 328

After reading up on this, he was also forging prescriptions as well and later released on a pardon. Ill give you that there was this case and with the circumstances, he looked fishy but never should have been arrested. maybe arrested for the illegal DEA rubber stamp and forging prescirps but not for drug trafficing. Then again, he was pardoned....

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