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Comment Re:don't use biometrics (Score 1) 328

After reading up on this, he was also forging prescriptions as well and later released on a pardon. Ill give you that there was this case and with the circumstances, he looked fishy but never should have been arrested. maybe arrested for the illegal DEA rubber stamp and forging prescirps but not for drug trafficing. Then again, he was pardoned....


Comment Re:Scum (Score 1) 253

I work for a small IT recruiting company doing their internal IT work. I have found in our case, that most of our placements come from repeat clients. We are a small firm(35+) people and for us, keeping these clients happy is a big thing. Clients are also very specific on who they want and we try to place the best candidate with them. We cant waste everyones time sending candidates to interviews who wont fit the bill.

I personally dont have experience with larger firms but I may draw a conclusion that the larger ones are who you want to watch out for. They may have placed a lot of people, but I would assume they are not focused on quality and just the bottom line. In our case, both matter since we wont have a bottom line if our quality isnt there.

Comment Re:don't use biometrics (Score 2) 328

Reaching, aren't you. I live in a big city in an industrial area. I have 3 neighbors Ina. 3 block radius. Dead girl found in alley, get a call from cops asking if I saw anything, I didn't because I fell asleep to the Simpsons. They have no leads, I'm the closest person to the crime. I haven't heard a word from them in 2 years. No idea if it ever got solved. I would be their prime suspect but yet, here I am. By you logic, I should be in jail, convicted of a crime.

Comment Re:don't use biometrics (Score 1) 328

You're kidding, right? You may want to start taking mess as none of these would actually lead to any arrest. Unless you live in some 3rd world country, you're reaching for scenarios.

How about this, give me a cited example where something this vague has led to an arrest. Otherwise, I call tin foil bullshit.

Comment Re:And so therefor it follows and I quote (Score 1) 353

How do you think? They didn't order a burger, they looked at the menu, saw that it came with cheese and ordered it anyway and then demand a refund for the cheese they don't want. It just so happens that the establishment making the burger doesn't customize it to their wants. If you want something customized, you can buy elsewhere or make it yourself.

I'm honestly having a hard time understanding why this is a problem. Especially for an OS that caters to those who usually are more adept at building their own computers.

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