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Comment Back in the game? (Score 0) 279

Seems like they're shooting pretty low by trying to match IE9's performance. Chrome, Safari, and Opera are all still kicking ass in the JavaScript speed space - come on Firefox, I want to go back to you but you still waste an entire bar of vertical screen space on the titlebar (MOVE THE TABS UP THERE) and JS performance is still going to be subpar?

Comment Grammar (Score 1) 143

Looking at these new screenshots, they STILL have fucking grammar issues. If I'm going to fall for something, it's not going to be an error page with spelling errors and unnecessary exclamation points. How hard would it be for these fuckers to find a native English speaker to proofread their shit for them? Jeez.

Comment Re:WD40 (Score 1) 597

I do this on laptops, games - anything that comes with bastardly stickers. It works really well but eventually you burn your finger and smooth the outer layers of skin to the point where a) you can't feel touch as well, b) you don't have as prominent of a fingerprint, and c) it hurts.

Comment What a troll (Score 1) 404

I don't support the patent, but I also don't support the submitter's complete troll of a description.

Windows 7 shuts down very fast, and it's actually really nice that it asks if you want to close unsaved documents - I'd rather have to click one more time on "Force Shutdown" than have it force Photoshop or Word closed when I forget one of my tens of documents isn't saved yet.

Comment Re:What about winamp? (Score 1) 193

This is the saddest part of this. I don't give a shit about AOL, other than the fact that they own Winamp.

Granted, Winamp is basically completely mature right now and I can't think of any more features I want. I just hope when newer operating systems are released, Winamp will still work, or that someone will take over for the occasional bugfix.

Also, iTunes and WMP work well enough for me since versions 9 and 11, respectively - when they became pretty full-featured and fast. But I still love me some Winamp - I started using it at version 2.

Comment Re:They still mail CDs ?? (Score 1) 193

You're right about the wireless anywhere human beings reside - it's not hard to find internet on the go, even assuming you don't have it through your smartphone already.

$7/month is also easy to beat if you value your time at all. What's a minimal DSL subscription these days, $20? At 1.5Mb/s, this is still approximately 37 times faster than dial-up.

Doesn't AOL require you to install their bloatware to connect as well? Gross! :P

Comment Re:Kinda (Score 1) 456

It's not always because us car-drivers are talking on cell phones that we almost hit you motorcyclists.

It's because motorcycles are so damn small, and because people who drive them frequently drive them too fast and change lanes too often - I can check my blind spot to make a turn, and by the time I turn my head forward and do it there can be a motorcycle that has weaved into the blind spot, completely hidden from my mirror views. This has happened to me. I have almost hit motorcyclists several times, and not because of talking on my phone - because they and their bikes are too damn small. They almost always proceed to flick me off as well, as if I should have some sort of 360-degree camera on top of the car watching out at all times for assholes.

Don't take this as an insult to you - if you drive your motorcycle at reasonable speeds without a ton of lane-weaving, anyway. Also, if your motorcycle is quiet and doesn't disrupt everyone's conversation and dinner within a 4-block radius when you unnecessarily rev the engine.

In the same vein, I hate trucks. I can't see a damn thing when they're around me and I'm trying to make a turn, or when they're in front of my shining their lights directly at my eye level. Most of these people don't need to haul anything anyway - and they've got a bald-eagle-and-American-flag stencil on their back window, along with a Calvin-pissing-on-opposing-truck-manufacturer sticker.

Comment Re:Customer service (Score 1) 202

but you aren't even going to consider your option to start your own competing service?

Yeah, because that's reasonable. Valve has been in the industry for 12 years and they've established the biggest digital game distribution platform. You're saying he should consider starting his own service to compete (and do better at making anti-cheat software) because some people couldn't play MW2 for a weekend?

Comment Re:Customer service (Score 5, Insightful) 202

Whether it's beneficial to them or not, it still shows how good customer service can be conducted to benefit both the company and the consumer. Valve is one of the most community-friendly game developers, which is all the more amazing since they're such a successful company (not just a small indie developer).

Had this happened in a previous Call of Duty game, PunkBuster wouldn't have done a damn thing about it other than releasing a patch. If anyone cries foul at Valve's generous solution, they need to take off the tinfoil hat and also realize that not playing Modern Warfare 2 for a weekend isn't so bad.

Comment Re:Obviously fake (Score 1) 238

You've obviously never owned a cat. I can sit there talking at my cat loudly while he's sleeping (I know, I know - what the hell is wrong with me?), and he won't move or open his eyes at all. The second I say "Norman", even quietly, his head perks up and he looks at me. I know it's just the combination of sounds that he's used to hearing, being associated with me petting or feeding him - but he definitely answers to it, sometimes with a MOW.

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