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The Media

Wikipedia Bans Church of Scientology 665

El Reg writes "Showing a new-found resolve to crack down on self-serving edits, Wikipedia has banned contributions from all IP addresses owned or operated by the Church of Scientology. According to Wikipedia administrators, this marks the first time such a high-profile organization has been banished for allegedly pushing its own agenda on the 'free encyclopedia anyone can edit.'"
The Courts

No More D&D PDFs, Wizards of the Coast Sues 8 File Sharers 501

An anonymous reader writes "On April 6th, Wizards of the Coast took all of their PDF products offline, including those sold at third-party websites like From the RPGNow front page: 'Wizards of the Coast has instructed us to suspend all sales and downloads of Wizards of the Coast titles. Unfortunately, this includes offering download access to previously purchased Wizards of the Coast titles.' Wizards of the Coast also posted a press release to their website that states they are suing eight file sharers for 'copyright infringement,' and WotC_Trevor posted a short explanation about the cessation of PDF sales to the EN World Forums."

Comment Re:Competition is good (Score 2) 242

Yeah, I hate not being able to access from anywhere in the world...

You know, what they need is some kind of distributed network, with nodes interconnected with one another, kind of like a web. Yeah, a world wide web, that's the ticket!

I kid, I kid... You may have a point with people being unwilling to put up with the delay and uncertainty of dropping their used games in the mail, but I doubt it'll dampen the enthusiasm for Amazon's offering much.

Comment Re:Bright vs. Hard Workers (Score 1) 962

Try online courses for a semester, if your college offers them.

I had a similar experience: gifted/talented/whatever they're calling those programs these days in school. I didn't burn out in high school, but never really had to study to get through classes with flying colors. I burned out shortly into my sophomore year in college. I made it through my degree program, but my GPA was no great shakes. I couldn't understand why I didn't just "get it" they way I did in high school.

A few years ago, I decided to go for a second degree online. Best decision I ever made. When it's all on you, and you've got no alternative but to sit down with the material and decipher it on your own, you might be surprised at your ability to study.

FWIW, I graduated summa cum laude from that second program, 3.975 GPA (one stinking A- away from perfection. Sigh...) Certainly being older and in a different situation (married with a kid, as opposed to single on my own) helped, but I wish that online had been an option when I was first going to college...

The Internet

DNS Flaw Hits More Than Just the Web 215

gringer writes "Dan Kaminsky presented at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday, and said that the DNS vulnerability he discovered is much more dangerous than most have appreciated. Besides hijacking web browsers, hackers might attack email services and spam filters, FTP, Rsync, BitTorrent, Telnet, SSH, as well as SSL services. Ultimately it's not a question of which systems can be attacked by exploiting the flaw, but rather which ones cannot. Then again, it could just be hype. For more information, see Kaminsky's power point presentation." Update: 08/07 19:48 GMT by T : There's also an animation of the progress of the patch.

Chipped Passport Cloned In Minutes 326

Death Metal Maniac writes "New microchip passports designed to be foolproof against identity theft failed the test when a researcher was able to manipulate one in minutes. The cloned passports were accepted as genuine by the computer software recommended for use at international airports. According to the article: 'A computer researcher cloned the chips on two British passports and implanted digital images of Osama bin Laden and a suicide bomber. The altered chips were then passed as genuine by passport reader software used by the UN agency that sets standards for e-passports.'"

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