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Comment Re:Economics plays a role here (Score 1) 87

You should have started at the top of the thread.

The FDA ordered Zmapp to stop testing back in July and ordered TMK-Ebola research suspended in January.

These were private companies trying to create treatments and vaccines who were literally stopped by the government.

As the government was actively preventing Ebola treatments, before having them "do this vital task", perhaps we should look at their record on the issue?

Comment Re:Economics plays a role here (Score 1) 87

You apparently didn't read the whole article:
"On Tuesday, Health and Human Services (HHS) had to outsource efforts at an Ebola vaccine to the Baltimore-based Profectus BioSciences Inc. The company will receive $8.6 million to research and test their vaccine, a fraction of NIH funding that went to the above projects."

NIH is part of HHS. It is "the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and health-related research".

Comment Re:Economics plays a role here (Score 1) 87

Are you attempting to disagree with me, or agree with me? It's not very clear...

What is your statement about the CDC in reference to? I don't see anyone here suggesting the CDC is the NIH. Was this meant sarcastically, like, "Well the NIH is no CDC", to imply that despite how screwed up the NIH is, at least they aren't as screwed up as the CDC has demonstrated itself to be recently?

The NIH is the government agency responsible for funding an Ebola vaccine research project (which they've recently assigned a budget of $9 million), which is why wasting $39 Million on other things instead of Ebola in the recent past is relevant.

In terms of the DOD, yeah, I agree that they waste tons (literally) of money, along with pretty much every other government agency, but unless you're trying to make that general point, the relevance to this discussion escapes me... The NIH obviously has the money for funding researching related to Ebola, they just chose not to spend it on that until very recently, previously having "higher priorities", like discovering why fat women go on fewer dates than skinnier women. I mean, hey, these are apparently deep mysteries to everyone in the government which require serious academics to delve into...

Comment Re:Economics plays a role here (Score 1) 87

Pretty sure if you have the money to spend $39 million on researching why obese girls have a tough time getting dates, developing origami condoms, etc... the problem with not starting a $9 million research effort earlier isn't related to overall funding levels so much as to incompetent administration and politics driven priorities.

Comment Re:Economics plays a role here (Score 2) 87

Why do we have no good Ebola treatments already right now? Regulations. The FDA ordered Zmapp to stop testing back in July and ordered TMK-Ebola research suspended in January.

How much sense does it make to send a bunch of troops to Africa to build isolation camps (yeah, yeah,call them hospitals) for them? Zero. I mean, to your point, it's not like we couldn't save money by just paying local contractors to put up some buildings. Why do we want the military in the African construction business? Is it because that's the only tool available and the only semi-useful thing they could think of for them to do? Ideally, we wouldn't send anyone near other people with Ebola. It's called quarantine...

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

Why should I (and others) trust your price determination about various people's value and wages over the preferences of billions of people as expressed in the prices actually paid?

It's all well and good for you to think you know more than everyone else combined about what people's efforts and contributions should cost, but you'll perhaps understand my skepticism of that when you provide no empirical basis for your valuations other than it happens to be your personal opinion.

Is it possible that the markets for CEO/lawyer/engineer/scientist do a better job of pricing those occupations than you would? I'm pretty sure the Soviet Union (and others) have rediscovered the hard way that you can't just get rid of markets and prices for things and believe that some elite knows how to set all the relative needs and values.

Our current system, although distorted via government regulations, import/export restrictions and licensing, is still the product of literally thousands of years of continuous development and trials in the real world. It effectively results from billions of people's individual choices and the preferences they express through those choices about what to buy and who to buy it from (including labor).

Perhaps you could consider an economics class from someone who isn't a Marxist?

Comment Anarchy??? (Score 5, Insightful) 302

The Internet has already descended into Anarchy.

That's why we like it. The rules are made by the people who own/run/create/manage it, by mutual agreement, not enforced from the top down. If people don't agree, they go their separate ways, because you can't be forced to allow someone on your network if they violate your network's rules.

The Internet is fine. We like it how it is. No need for more government regulation to ruin it on behalf of those with influence with government officials/politicians/bureaucrats.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

a real mess that he inherited from the Bush administration

And someday (perhaps after he's out of office?), Obama will start being held responsible for his own actions by those who supported him. It's what, only been almost 6 years now? That's longer than many presidents serve in office. Obama's off to a really fast start, isn't he?

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

Did Obama end us being at war in Iraq? Apparently not...

Giving up and removing U.S. forces isn't the same thing as ending a war. The other guys were still in the neighborhood waiting for our announced removal.

Who looks really stupid now? The Iraqis who trusted the U.S. after we took down Saddam's government. They have a pretty good gripe about our government making promises to them and then not supporting them.

We ended the war against Germany and Japan in such a way that it didn't start back up again a few years later. That took time and leaving troops behind to maintain security and help rebuild the countries in a self-sustainable way so they're good friends of ours now and positive influences on the rest of the world.

Iraq? Not so much...

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 3, Insightful) 392

Are you talking about the War in Iraq, which Obama boasted continuously about ending, despite loud criticism at the time that he was creating the conditions for what's going on right now with ISIS?

I wouldn't be boasting about that anymore, his related words are now one of those things his opponents publish on Twitter so as to illustrate how incompetent he is.

Comment Most transparent ever? (Score 2, Insightful) 261

"His [Schulte's] prior experience as Chief-of-Staff at Priorities USA, the Super PAC supporting President Obama's re-election," assured Zuckerberg in a letter to contributors, "will ensure continues its momentum for reform."

But, how is this possible? I thought Obama banned his team from becoming lobbyists after they left him???

I guess that rule doesn't apply to everyone. Good thing we have the most transparent administration ever and these lobbying efforts won't influence anyone...

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

This voluntary online survey of academic fieldwork environments primarily shows two things:

1. These people aren't very good at science (See "voluntary online survey" again).
2. What science they've done which someone may consider valid serves only to demonstrate that one of the most left-leading, "liberal", feminist groups in the nation (academics, for whom government bureaucrats and main stream media would be their only real competition for the title) is apparently unable to successfully implement "solutions" to sexual harassment they'd confidently proscribe for everyone else to follow.

A reasonable alternate interpretation to #2, reversing causation, would be that academics are the ones who complain much more about feminist mythology-type topics and propose dramatic solutions because they happen to be the group with the biggest problem in that area, which causes them to be more concerned about it than most folks do.

Of course, they might also just be caught up in the pettiness which comes from arguing about less and less important things over time, but no one would suggest that...

Comment Re:Batteries? Seriously? (Score 1) 491

Buying a new fleet of more expensive city buses primarily benefits the politicians who get to decide which of their friends will get to sell the city the buses.

Any arguments around the desirability or suitability of the new buses are just a bonus for their election year propaganda aimed at credulous residents.

So don't worry, they'll come back around to trollies, railways, etc... they just need to allow enough time to pass for voters to forget their last expensive "great" idea.

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