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Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 1) 1007

It's not university sponsored, it's simply being held in a university facility. Not really any different than allowing political groups to meet, or some student group to show films. It doesn't mean the university endorses the content.

Of coruse, the could have easily rented another venue in Oklahoma, but they like to use university facilities to create the {il,de}lusion among the True Believers that their views have some legitimacy.

Comment Re:what the hell could this possibly mean (Score -1, Troll) 104

It means I know nothing about Windows Server or Docker.

It means I know nothing about Windows Server or Docker.

It means I know nothing about Windows Server or Docker.

It means I know nothing about Windows Server or Docker.

It means I know nothing about Windows Server or Docker.



Now he gonna carve your putz, right after he KISSES THE BROWN SPIDER!

Comment Re:what the hell could this possibly mean (Score 1) 104

Strainers are like baskets - I aren't they all receptacles with leaks?

Actually I know shit all about "Docker" and haven't bothered to understand "application virtualization" or how it differs from "server virtualization". Let's not get to docker as a specific app virt with defined constraints and capabilities.

Hey! Let me add this piece of non-information, related to my opening statement: "colander".

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