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User Journal

Journal Journal: But the monkey paw is cursed

I have a new Mac, and I like it - even love it - YAY!

But the web browser and Java performance are related and unfortunately that performance is very very bad - DOH!

But I downloaded a developer release of a newer JVM and it seems to help the Java/Safari issues - YAY!

But then I found that there is no Komodo for Mac OS X and got an e-mail from them saying that they will in fact not even bother trying to make one - DOH!

User Journal

Journal Journal: I want a cube

Like I have recently said, I'm a new Mac fan - especially as of 10.3.

I will eventually need a desktop system - if not right now, certainly by the time I am back in the States (3 years or so, perhaps more, then I will be there for around 3 years).

User Journal

Journal Journal: travelling man

I am going back to the States for Thanksgiving - I leave on Tuesday around 1:30 here - going into Philly and then layover there and then onto Raleigh from there where I will get a ride to Cary.
There used to be a direct flight from Bermuda into Raleigh, but that stopped and now I have to either through Philly, Athlanta, NYC, or Boston.
I'm not terribly thrilled that I will be going to the States around a holiday, but this might be the last time I see my grandmother - she is not doing we

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot is totally bug free. Totally.

I have 3 sidebars on the main page. Developers, Science, and Apple.

The Developer box tells me that my headline reader has been banned.
Excellent - their own reader has been banned - well done.

I installed Proteus as my chat program today - very cool - still getting used to some of it, but I like it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: you're my obsession

Okay, well, not *you* so much - but more like the new T630 Sony/Ericsson phone.
I want that. Fortunately it doesn't come out for a bit, so that explains my inability to find it on Ebay. I thought maybe it was just impossible to find.

Today one of the owners here had me show him how to download mp3s and how it worked.
He said "wait, so this is going out on the internet?"
How the fuck else would it work retard?

User Journal

Journal Journal: today is a good day

I went for a run and have my runner's high going now.
I installed PithHelmet in Safari, that thing is fantastic - allows you to selectively block ads easily (without having to manuallly edit your hosts file, rerouting to your localhost - and I think it does it on a named basis, so that entirely servers aren't necessarily blocked).
Got color working in my Terminal.app for Gnu emacs - that is nice - still can't get it to work for ls, or for anything on the machine that I ssh into - but no

User Journal

Journal Journal: I can hear my wireless router and it is driving me nuts 4

I love having a wireless system, it is quite nice - if only batteries would be better, then I could be truly wireless all over my apartment in terms of computing.

That said, my new 802.11g wireless router from D-Link is screaming in my ears. I know that I shouldn't be able to hear that frequency, so I assume it is some noise that is a byproduct of what it does, a side effect.
It is high pitched and piercing and I hate it - it is like having tinnitus only when I am home.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Stocks to watch

There are a ton of them that are good for tomorrow since the market as a whole is having a good few days.

But the ones that I have most recently checked:


and HEC very soon - couple of days I would imagine.

User Journal

Journal Journal: White spots on my laptop, and Safari is "teh suk"

I got my laptop without ever even knowing that there was a problem of white spots on the screens of the new AlBooks. I suppose I should have spent much more time looking around to see if there were issues, specifically with the new hardware.

I then had the unit and then found out there was a white spot issue, something in the LCD screen.
I didn't notice any until today - about a week into having it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A useless weekend for me

My fiancee's birthday is the 10th. She left Sat morning to go to Toronto with her mother to celebrate her birthday. That leaves me alone in the house to do whatever I want.
Apparently "whatever I want" involves watching DVDs, sleeping, and not eating.
If left to my own accord I will just forget to eat.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Silly me, looking for IDEs

I had read something about Xcode not being Perl friendly and had just assumed that it wasn't going to do Perl at all.

I tried to install XEmacs, had issues. Komodo - my IDE of choice for Perl on Windows - isn't out of Mac OS X yet. I installed Wing IDE and it is awful. I tried Mi and it wasn't too good either. I installed Perlidex which was absolutely worthless and they want money for that worthlessness.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mac wish list 2

As with all new things in my life, I tend to obsess over them and try to learn as much as possible about them as fast as possible.

I'm still early in that curve on the Mac, so perhaps some of my wishes have long since been met, but I just haven't figured out that part yet.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nearing a week with my new Mac

I hadn't heard about white spots on the screen of the 15" PowerBooks... of course now that I have heard about them, I'm paranoid and on the lookout for them.

The trackpad and more specifically the button for it are driving me nuts. Might look into outside utilities for it as someone suggested in a thread.
The Bluetooth mouse that is out sounds fantastic, but about 75% of my time is in an area where I use the laptop as a true laptop and not as a desktop station - so no mouse surface.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I really can't say enough about how impressed I am.

I am just really taken aback by how great this laptop is.

My only complaints so far, and these are likely largely due to what I am used to and also my lack of knowledge at this point of how to customise and or find things.

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