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Comment Slashdot users create compelling content / adverti (Score 3, Insightful) 271

The content created by us plebes is what actually sells your ads. I come to the site to read informed discussion. That is not created by: your editors, submitters, advertisers or user interface..


Now fuck off with your godawful site redesign. I am definitely boycotting Feb 10 to 17 and likely longer. I have enjoyed being a multi view user, practically every day since I signed up.

Why the hell would I buy a computer screen to look at the blank colour white? Let alone giant images of the incorrect aspect and the rest of the lame features.

Submission + - Quarks Know Their Left From Their Right (

sciencehabit writes: How an electron interacts with other matter depends on which way it's spinning as it zips along—to the right like a football thrown by a right-handed quarterback or the left like a pigskin thrown by a lefty. Now, physicists have confirmed that quarks—the particles that join in trios to form the protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei—exhibit the same asymmetry.The result could give physics a new weapon in the grand hunt for new particles and forces. Or they can search for subtle hints of exotic new things beyond their tried-and-true standard model by studying familiar particles in great detail. In the latter approach, the new experiment gives physicists a way to probe for certain kinds of new forces.

Comment Artificially Expensive Storage (Score 1) 477

The SSD is the ONLY internal storage option, and the extra bay previously available for expansion drives has been removed. If you want the storage professionals are accustomed to and require on these macs, you won't be able to have a standalone laptop. It will all be external drives and network storage. This is simply not viable, functional or ergonomic for graphics professionals. It is a typical Apple move to take away functionality and feature in a new device, to then slowly reintroduce it as "new" at a premium price. Give me a break, its like walking up a down escalator with them, and frankly they've crossed the line of viability.

Comment Game theory & Bacteria (Score 1) 78

I'm wondering if this correlates with what I recall about greedy vs generous bacterial colonies, that they tend towards a specific equilibrium regardless of initial conditions. Also similarly the snowdrift dilemma suggests least work is achieved by doing the opposite of other participants.

Comment Beat speed of light - 2 locations, same algorithm (Score 1) 321

By partnering the same software at 2 different distances from the exchange, the further software could know what decisions its alternate had just made, prior to the most current trading signals reaching it. It could then pre-compute and send responses to the predicted reactions of competing algorithms to the initial trade based on past responses of those competing algorithms.
br>The nearer algorithm likewise will know to expect that responses from the further algorithm will be made prior to them being sent.

This could allow a resonance to be set up against other competing trading algorithms by provoking responses with the nearer algorithm and reacting to them instantaneously from the further location, since the distance from the exchange buys the further algorithm the compute time for the response and the opportunity to synchronize its actions with the first algorithm.

Comment Computation is a military technology (Score 1) 81

Get the correct perspective: computation combined with signals analysis is a military technology plain and simple. This is a widespread use of military technology in the civilian domain and it has wide reaching effects on society similar to the contact of any other form of weaponized / military technology with civilians. There are various international agreements respecting the separation of the civilian domain from the military domain. The lack of these agreements with respect to computation and surveillance is a huge (and perhaps intentional) oversight.

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"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
