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Comment Not fully thought out plan. (Score -1, Troll) 553

It would seem to me, that anybody from Western Cultures that has an IQ over 100 would not want to live/work in a country like China because of its history of Human Rights violations and general intolerance for anti-state viewpoints.

If you are dumb enough not to know better I understand, but an intelligent person can surely see past the paycheck.

Comment Awesome except for one small thing. (Score 1, Informative) 359

There is only one small/minor/insignificant problem; our 3 primary carriers (Bell, Telus, and Rogers) have incompatable networks!
This has improved slightly thanks to the recent Vancouver Olympics, but still the lions share of the phones are incompatable.

Rogers: GSM -850MHz & 1900MHz
Telus: CDMA and limited HSPA -800MHz & 1900MHz
Bell: CDMA and limited HSPA -850MHz & 1900MHz

Unless you have an awesome phone that supports 800MHz and 850MHz you are SOL for voice communication and have to buy a new phone if you wanted to hop from one carrier to another.
Another fly in the ointment, even if your phone is capable (i.e. Nokia N900)Bell & Nokia do not operate on 'SIM' cards like the GSM based world+dog do, so you are SOL again.

They should have been mandated to all jump straight to LTE and drop this incompatable bullshit.

Comment Please tell me its better. (Score -1, Redundant) 122

I always install the kde 3.5 libs so that I can have Konqueror (as a file manager) and Amarok as my music player. I have dearly wanted to upgrade my system but I can't because the v4.x branch of KDE has been so painful. (thank god for Debian and its glacial release schedule)

Somebody, anybody tell me when Kde is back to being as good as it was. I am not a programmer, I will take your word that the old tree was unmaintainable, and that a 'new direction' was needed. But how long until we get back to the stability/feature set we loved so long ago?

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