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Comment Re:Wayland vs X (Score 1) 315

Well indeed. VNC is a hassle. But so is remote X! Have you ever tried to connect to an existing X session remotely (VNC-style)? I'm fairly sure it is not possible.

That is one of the many reasons why a replacement for X11 is needed.

Comment Re:Back to the Future (Score 4, Funny) 1054

Ok, so basically there's three Gods, and they're all God. And each one is also God. Jesus is God, Jesus's Father, God, is also God. Oh and there's the Holy Spirit - that's God too.

At least that's what it says in the bible. It makes no sense, but the bible is Truth (tm) so Christians spend an inordinate amount of trying to understand how Jesus went back in time and became his own father.

Comment Re:3/4 million words. tl;dr (Score 1) 559

No he means how short it can be and still be a viable religion (as in it can reproduce in the minds of followers).

You'd *at least* have to include all the stuff about heaven, hell, God-still-likes-you-even-if-you-have-no-real-friends, etc.
You could exclude all of Numbers, Deuteronomy, Revelations, probably most of the traditional Bible stories (Noah's ark, etc).

It's an interesting question, and your answer is idiotic (I thought you were against that?).

Comment Re:Dart? (Score 2) 575

Yeah I know, but apparently LLVM "bytecode" is really compiler IR, and not really suitable as a language and machine neutral bytecode. (It has specific x86 instructions and so on. There was a widely-linked mailing list message a while ago about LLVM not being suitable for use as a low level virtual machine.)

Comment Re:Dart? (Score 2) 575

I've looked at Dart. It seems like javascript but with all the "hey, that's actually fairly neat" features removed, and their stupid counterfeight-typing system added on. Yeah... counterfeight typing. You heard it here first. Looks and sounds like static typing, but it isn't.

They probably *wanted* it to be static typing but supporting compile-to-javascript meant it was easier for them just to say "sod it, let's make it dynamically typed and call them 'annotations'". That's the only sane explanation for the insanity I can come up with anyway.

I still don't see why they couldn't have come up with a proper mostly-language-agnostic bytecode for the web. Like what LLVM sounds like it should be (but isn't).

Comment Re:Wash it in some alkali (Score 1) 232

Oh great - just what we need - yet another programming language

Not all languages are the same. Maybe your criticism is valid for C# / Java, but the other languages you list are all pretty different. Rust has some features, and certainly a unique combination of features (e.g. modern, and not garbage collected).

there ain't enough people to teach kids and adults the languages we already have

Well you don't actively need teachers to learn a language (tutorials, books, etc), nor do you have to learn every language in existence.

And 0.1, meaning it's currently unusable. Why not wait until 1.0 is ready before announcing it?

Maybe so interested people can follow its development, make suggestions, help write the compiler and so on?

That too w/ such an inspiring name as 'Rust'.

Jesus Christ who spat in your face this morning? Why are you such a pessimistic parade-pisser?

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