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Comment Re:Er, Your Statement and His Don't Quite Mix (Score 1) 744

Exactly. The trick is to put serious demands on business (not so much taxation or paperwork) and then let businesses loose on a level - but high level - playing ground. Then let them fight it out. You want to have less trouble with the chinese import? Put serious demands on the products and production methods and see if they can still compete. Bonus: you get a better world.

You simply cannot expect consumers to see every little detail when they are in the shop, and put it all to capitalism. Governments have the right and the responsibility for the world we are living in - supported by the people. And you can certainly not leave it to the business community (or banks).

Comment Re:How ergonomic! (Score 1) 590

It took me about 15 minutes and still I could not get the freakin' button displaying my workspaces at the spot that I want it. Switching workspaces is important to me. Sometimes I cannot get the launch bar or whatever to show either, have to minimize my application first. F*ck that shit, I gave it a fair try, nothing is good about that Unity release. Main stream Ubuntu is now dead to me. Too many switches and fuckups. Dumbing it down is ok to me, but once I cannot get to a folder I choose in a "save as" dialog...bye bye.

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