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Comment Re:The Department of Redundancy Department (Score 3, Informative) 628

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? Find one significant program where CS is a separate department.

Sure. From the 2010 US News rankings of Computer Science:

1. Carnegie Mellon. Separate CS and ECE.
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Combined EECS. Separate CSAIL.
1. Stanford. Separate CS and EE.
1. UC Berkely. Combined EECS. Administratively split into separate EE and CS divisions.
5. Cornell. Separate CS and ECE.
5. UIUC. Separate CS and ECE.
7. Washington. Separate CSE and EE.
8. Princeton. Separate CS and EE.
8. UT Austin. Separate CS and ECE.
10. Georgia Tech. Separate CS and ECE.

Need I continue, or is this enough evidence that maybe I do know what I'm talking about and that you should be quiet for a while?

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 628

A lot of what you rattled off is purchased by faculty with their own research funds acquired by winning grants.

Instructional labs are going away because students have personal laptops instead, but even when they were around, most of the equipment in them was donated by major companies like Intel.

If the necessary backend infrastructure is for research, then research funds pay to keep it operating, including staffing. If it's not for research, then let the campus run it.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 2) 628

Computer Science is an expensive department to maintain.

Cite? It's actually a pretty cheap department. Just need office space and electricity for computers, which is really no different than, say, an English department.

I don't even really remember what I learned in English classes.

Sounds like we should shutter English departments if they're doing such a bang-up job educating their graduates.

Comment Not solved != proof (Score 2, Insightful) 93


So when that final push on No. 11,982—an effort aided by humans and even a handful of game-solving programs—met with failure, Ring celebrated. Is every hand in FreeCell winnable? No. Thirty-one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine hands are winnable. And one isn’t. He proved that.

No he didn't. Unless the exploration of the game space was exhaustive, there's no proof. A bunch of people playing the game and failing to solve it isn't a proof.

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