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Comment Re:Directed Crash? (Score 1) 44

LADEEs main missions are to examine the moon's atmosphere (or rather if there is any), along with gathering information about particle impacts (for further moon missions) and generally moon's surface
The final crash is collateral damage (okok, they'll watch dust rising from that impact closely too)

Comment Re:slow news day (Score 3, Interesting) 168

To be fair, you are certainly correct about the freezing part.
However, GP's other points remain valid. Not much survives the heat of an impact, even less (molten) debris ejected into space. Simple organic molecules are destroyed easily with heat (and radiation), not even talking about (primitive) life forms.
As for the article, we can safely assume that probability of life originating from Mars is about the same as amino acids from "outer space" hitting the earth - or the remains of FSM's tomato sauce.
In other words, pure fantasy.

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