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Comment Re:Effective cataract eye drops are already availa (Score 4, Informative) 70

N-acetyl carnosine drops have been used with good success for a while. Bought them for my grandmother in law. Over the course of a couple of years it halted and mostly reversed her developing cataracts. Can get them from multiple sources.

Good information - especially while we're waiting for this stuff to become available.

I note, though, that:
  - This newly-identified material substantially clears cataracts in six days while N-acetyl carnosine takes four months for significant improvement to show.
  - This newly-identintified material appears to be what the eye normally uses in a specific mechanism to prevent/repair cataracts, while N-acetyl carnosine appears to have more generic antioxidant and chelation properties. (It's a modification of carnosine to a form which can penetrate the tissues of the eye and is converted back to carnosine within them. Carnosine is great for retarding several ageing mechanisms but it looks more like a generic helper than a specific repair-mechanism component or trigger for cataracts.)
  - The discovery of this new stuff occurred by identifying what was missing in people with a genetic early-cataract problem. If this is necessary for cataract prevention/repair and its production declines (but doesn't fully stop) with age, N-acetyl carnosine might not work for people who don't make it at all.

So though N-acetyl carnosine looks good, this looks great and specific. (And I don't see any reason to stop the former even if taking the latter. Unless some specific interaction issue shows up I'd expect them to work well together.)

Comment Re:Not the crime its the coverup (Score 1) 434

She didn't destroy anything that Congress asked for. She deleted personal emails, which were not covered by the subpoena.

Did you actually READ TFA before you posted that?

Hint: Email exchanges have (at least) two ends. They've found the other end of a number of email exchanges where Hillary DIDN'T produce her end for Congress, some of which were not just State Department business but which, in retrospect, SHOULD have been classified (and are now).

But that was her (original) story and you're sticking to it, right?

Comment Tubes ... MMMMmmmm... (Score 1) 434

Even assuming that most of the elected officials have less of a clue than the average citizen ("It's a series of tubes!"), ...

As a network professional who has done substantial architectural work on high-end networking products, where we used the term of art "pipes", I don't fault Ted Stevens, a non-techie, for instead saying "tubes" (when moderately-accurately describing the downside of naive network neutrality "treat all packets identically, regardless of type of service" prescriptions).

I may take issue with OTHER aspects of his argument. But I consider ongoing ridicule for using "tubes" in place of "pipes" to be a cheap shot (even if it IS funny).

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 434

But ... What difference does it make?

What difference does it make if you convict a murderer or let him go. Convicting him doesn't bring the victim back to life. (And people DO use this argument ...)

Answer: Laws deter illegal behavior by applying penalties to those who break them, in the hope that at least some people will, as a result, decide not to break them when it would otherwise be in their interest to do so. So if someone high-profile breaks the law and gets away with it (thus also establishing a precedent making it very hard to prosecute anyone ELSE who breaks the law in the same way), the law becomes just old words on paper, rather than an effective prohibition.

Bill's escape from significant consequences in his little adventure effectively gutted the enforcement of some sexual harassment laws. If it turns out Hillary actually broke a law that was in force at the time, in a deliberate and flagrant way, and gets away with no substantial penalty, the same will happen to the laws on how to handle classified information.

Comment The electorate speaks. (Score 1) 434

The quoted law would probably be found not applicable for public, IE elected, office by reason of unconstitutionality. ... The intent is that you can't just DQ your opponents from public office with targeted laws ...


If the electorate wants a (known at the time of the election) felon to hold the office, that's their prerogative.

Comment But will SHE be penalized for the coverup? (Score 1) 434

Scooter Libby was convicted on two counts of perjury, one count of obstruction, and one count of making false statements. ...

Hillary will likely get the same: no conviction for anything to do with missing emails.

But will she get penalized for the coverup, as Scooter Libby was? Wiping, rather than producing, the system disk sure looks like "one count of obstruction". (For perjury and false statements we'll have to wait for the mill to grind some more, but the TFA says it doesn't look good for her right now on those, either.)

Comment No, that's NOT what happened. (Score 1) 434

You would get fired if someone outside sent non classified data to an individual inside ?
Thats what happened

No, that's NOT what happened. Hillary gave out her home-administered email address to her State Department contacts and they then sent email containing classified info, as she (did or should have) expected them to do.

Comment Same thing that got General Petraeus canned. (Score 1) 434

This is more likely misdemeanor mishandling of classified information.

Which, you'll recall, is what they let General David Petraeus plea-bargan to when they canned and prosecuted him.

During his affair with his female biographer he had given her access to his classified email account - so they could exchange love letters in the "drafts" folder. They apparently did this in the hope of avoiding the creation of an archived email trail, which they knew would occur if they sent the mail but didn't know would also occur with the system backups of the drafts folder.

The "mishandling of classified info", if I understand it correctly, is because she could, in principle, have read his other mail. Just as anyone who participated in the administration of Hillary's private mail server or the network connection to it could, in principle, have read or copied the State Department related emails containing classified info.

Comment Re:Coke or Pepsi (Score 2) 319

the Emacs vs VI war is over (Emacs won)

Nope. B-)

When I got my first UNIX box, back in the '80s, it had two megabytes and did NOT have demand paging, which would have allowe a larger virtual image to run. That was too small to compile emacs. (The joke at the time was that the name was really an acronym for Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping. B-) )

So I learned VI. Then I used it VERY heavily for years, on the original conferencing system whose software was later ported to The Well. After that a number of editing idioms were "wired into" my hindbrain and I could do the things I wanted to do with text very efficiently with vi.

As machines improved I tried emacs several times. Each time I found that the stuff I depended on took about 1.5 to 3 times as many keystrokes. This was too much of a penalty to pay for the handful of features it offered.

At one point I considered going to it but running in a vi emulator mode and gradually migrating to native idioms. But I discovered that, kitchen sink that it was, it had TWO vi emulator modes, each with distinct deviations from vi (alias "bug sets"). With one vi emulator, even with substantial shortcomings, I might still have made the shift. With two there was no easy way to chose, so I didn't bother.

Now I'm using vim, which is close enough. One of my regular colleagues is an emaxian rather than a vithian and we get along just fine. B-)

Comment Re:Did they fix multilib vs gnueabihf (Score 1) 91

Also: It's not clear to me which group should be handling this. It seems to be a conflict between how two projects downstream of the compiler itself are handling a global namespace.

I'd only expect the compiler guys to fix it if they decided the downstream stuff was a problem and pulled part of it into their own stuff to settle the matter.

Comment Re:Did they fix multilib vs gnueabihf (Score 1) 91

Wouldn't it be easier to check your bugzilla ticket?

There were already several tickets out on it (and flames from the maintainers about duplicates) so I didn't file another. None of them seemed to indicate that anyone, let alone the core compiler crew, were intending to do anything abut it.

I was hoping someone more actively engaged in either reporting or dealing with the issue might happen to be participating here and care to chime in. B-)

Meanwhile, others should know that there IS (or, we can hope, WAS) an issue before they make plans to try to use the toolset for a new project.

Comment Did they fix multilib vs gnueabihf (Score 2) 91

Did they fix the conflict between gcc-multilib and gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf?

Since Ubuntu Trusty was released, over a year ago, there has been a conflict between gcc-multilib (needed for building and running 32-bit application on 64-bit Intel/AMD architectures) and several cross compiler suites including gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf (the cross-compiler suite needed for developing applications for ARM processors, such as those on the BeagleBones and many Internet of Things devices.)

This means if you want to do cross-development and you have a 64-bit machine running a 64-bit install and doing builds for itself for both 64 and 32 bit environments, or running some 32-bit applications, you can't just install the cross-tools from the repository and dig in. You need a separate machines for cross-development, or you need to take time out to do your own hacking of the tools.

I've looked around the net for solutions: The issue seems to be a disconnect between teams, primarily over conflicting uses of the symlink at /usr/include/asm. But I haven't found any clear description of how to work around this, nor has the problem been fixed in the repositories. After over a year I find this very disappointing.

Has this been addressed with this new release of the underlying compilers?

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