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Comment Re:Give it a few tries and go with what's fastest (Score 2) 514

It looks an awful lot like the solution in TFA is just:

1. Follow the perimeter

2. Make concentric, slightly overlapping passes until you reach the center

That's about what I do with my 5 acre lawn.

As a P.S., what's with all the people hating on big lawns? I'm not rich or wasteful, it's a rental. It was a big old farm in the 1800s.
I have chickens and dogs, and a vegetable garden.
My wife and kid love it. We do fun shit outside. Ease up /.ers. -Rico

Comment Re:The Qu'ran itself contains hate speech (Score 1) 1695

I don't see any thing that would be defined as hate speech in the entry that you cited.

There were certainly some passages that were critical of some Jews, but I don't think that most reasonable people would consider it to be hate speech.

As to how it compares to what was on the website of this moron, I'm not an expert, and concur with other sentiments here, that we should let him go off and fuck his goats, or whatever he likes to do, and be done with him.

In the WIki article you cited, I did see this:

'Some verses of the Qur'an, notably [Qur'an 2:256], preach tolerance towards members of the Jewish faith...Jews are regarded as members of a legitimate community of believers in God, "people of the Book", and therefore legally entitled to sufferance.'

Now don't get me wrong, religious dogma is generally a series of lies bound together by evil men to encourage evil, and the three Abrahamic religions all share a history that could only be accurately described as evil incarnate, but the bit that you cite just diesn't seem to support it, I don't think.

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