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Comment Regulation Death (Score 3, Insightful) 258

The problem with trying any renewable/conservation experiment in a "real-world" scenario is that almost every angle is now covered by regulation. Green Groups/EPA/Agriculture/Neighborhood Groups/etc, etc. It's getting to the point that the only real way to test theories in a real world scenario is to buy a big Island, build your infrastructure and pay a bunch of people to move there. I think Blofeld may be able to help fund this though.

Comment Re:"UN Says: Why Not Eat More Insects?" (Score 4, Insightful) 626

When people imagine insects as food they always think that means in some manner of native/raw form. Who says you cannot mix them with other meats or even heat dry and grind them as a powder additive to other foods? The nutrition is what we are looking for here - not necessarily the "grossing out" of folks.

Comment Re:Classic strawman flamebait (Score 1) 365

There is a difference between a state issued/controlled ID and a government issued ID. In case you don't remember your civics, you're a state citizen first. You can't be extradited to another state for prosecution in crimes without your state's permission. A government issued ID tends to blur the lines as to state citizen's rights when used inappropriately. This is more about being mindful of these issues before it gets out of hand.

Comment Go into China and not expect this? (Score 0) 146

Come on. It is really naive of anyone associated with business with and in foreign countries to not think they would be monitored and possibly have information used against them while on the internet. Personally, I think it says a lot about the individual who seems like this is some big surprise. Possibly he really wasn't qualified for that line of work if he couldn't expect the end results.

Comment Re:What bytes are we measuring? (Score 1) 114

PPPoE is often used in combination with Radius Authentication and Accounting. When it is, the radius accounting records are based on bytes rx/tx on your ppp interface that exists on the PPPoE server. In that case, none of the above that you mentioned is included in the accounting records (dsl interleaving/ppp/ethernet frames). This would not stop tcp retransmits (from IP congestion) from being counted. However, note that the accounting takes place in this scenario at layer 3 and above.

Comment Re:Movie Theaters are dying for the same reason (Score 4, Interesting) 308

This... > "So, added value options may grow from being a novelty to the norm................" We have a local theater that has for 10 years - offerred around 3-6 month out of date releases (and lots of indie films) for 3 bucks a ticket, You can order your meal (specialty pizzas, burritos, hot sandwiches) which is delivered to your table (every other row are tables instead of seats, you place your black-light sensitive cone at your spot), has it's own brewery and beer/wine bar in the back of the downstairs (in the theater) (balcony seating for those under 21 or unaccompanied by adults). 10 years later and it still has lines out the doors Friday - Sunday before showings. It's an awesome date/family event. They even have special events for bands and indie film events. This - is how a movie theater can stay relevant.

Comment Re:Wasting Sick days (Score 1) 670

It was an attempt at humor with a twist of reality - meaning - most people will wait to use their sick day for something more severe - like the flu/typhoid, etc.. Geeze - didn't think most would take that seriously.

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