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Comment Re:Why is this here? (Score 4, Insightful) 910

The biggest issue for me is that the format hasn't kept up with the change in times. The comments are fairly useless with the articles, basically whoever does the first post basically directs the conversation. Compare that to Reddit where typically the most relevant comments make their way to the top.

Slashdot was great 10 years ago, but I get news faster, with more content, more focus(sub forums), and better comments on Reddit. The only down side is the extreme noise and heavy user bias of the site.

Comment Re:Inside my HD there are two very important files (Score 1) 1009

They do NOT have to "prove" anything. This is reality, not a TV show court room. In reality the justice system has nothing to do with justice. You can and will be held in contempt for not being able to provide a password to decrypt your honeypot.

Use deniable encryption instead.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 503

Energy companies don't have a choice in how their electricity is used.

If quick charging becomes the norm(big if), it'll happen at dealerships first. And yeah, it'll be cheap because they want to sell the cars, not the juice.

Other places will then pop up and likely focus on selling you other crap during your 10-15 min wait. Starbucks would be a natural client for this.

Comment Re:Well duh. (Score 2) 117

Your comparison of computer languages to human languages isn't a very good one. Human languages tend to have simple rules and concepts, but large vocabularies to memorize. Computer languages have very small vocabularies, but deep rules and concepts.

Those concepts are very portable from language to language. How a variable works, classes, pointers(or references), databases, networking, lists, switches, OO models, etc don't really change. C has pointers, Java has references. Java has hibernate and rails has active record.

Take a good programmer with a long history of work and they can learn new languages pretty much on the fly. Though big shifts(switching to OO or designing things The Rails Way) can take a bit of learning.

Comment Re:Surely only an issue for Windows... (Score 1) 137

No, infact I didn't miss it at all - but you seem to have missed mine.

If MySQL is GPLed, and can be forked, then why the interest in what Oracle does to the trunk?

The interest is that it looks like the trunk is a dead end. This gives more press to MariaDB and could eventually mean distros drop MySQL going forward in favor of it.

Comment Re:What bookstores? There's B&N. (Score 1) 210

>Books with good quality content and good production values will then become a thing of the past, because quality costs a lot to produce, readers can't examine the books before they've paid for it the way they can in a bricks 'n' mortar book store, and not enough people will exercise any legal right of return they may have to make a difference to the policy.

This is completely false. Customer reviews are superior to publisher gateways for determining quality and you can already download samples of every book on Amazon's Kindle to see if you'll like it or not.

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