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Comment Re:Hold on a minute (Score 1) 198

"I didn't say that were that important, just that being a teacher requires an advanced degree and they are paid a lot less than programmers."

The type of degree required for the job really isn't relevant. It's true, IT generally doesn't actually require a degree. But there are plenty of people working in IT with degrees, bachelors and masters degrees abound. The people who have them aren't generally any better at the job. If anything they generally have however much time they wasted on slow university learning subtracted from their years of experience. Things that universities dedicate entire courses to are material IT professionals are expected to pick up during the process of using that material to single handedly deploy a project due in 4-6 weeks. Or even figure out on the fly to resolve a problem with a 30 minute SLA. Rinse, repeat, over and over again.

The amount of money you wasted to be taught largely irrelevant material really really slowly and usually in such a manner that you are unable to actually apply it in unique ways to solve real problems shouldn't be a factor in what you make. IT is the oil that keeps a profit making machine running, so they get a piece of the profit left after the leeches (aka sales, senior management, stockholders, etc) take off their chunk.

Teachers generate zero profits. Everything they make is a charitable donation except at for profit institutions. Below university level they serve two functions, one is to be a babysitter, the other is to teach more or less the exact same material from a textbook over and over again, year after year. In a grade school or high school those might be the same textbooks for 10 years. Yes what they do is important but to be a highschool teacher you need to be able to read and comprehend the material in one subject at the grade level of the class being taught. There is no reason they SHOULD need an advanced degree. Anyone who got an A in the course in question is qualified to teach it.

Even some university courses aren't much different. Learn the latest textbook, comprehend it, regurgitate. The books just tend to cycle out more often but they only have to learn the differences.

Comment Not really worth it (Score 1) 279

For $200 you can get an electrician moonlighting from craigslist to run ethernet drops. One drop from that spot to a closet or convenient central place and drops to key locations around the house. I know, I did it myself not long ago. A decent wifi or powerline setup will cost just as much. And in the case of the wifi you are talking dramatically slower, the speeds you are looking at are ideal max speeds for one link. Wired provides full duplex speeds on a per connection basis. A 100mbps wifi link connecting 8 clients has a total combined bandwidth possibility of 100mbps. A 100mbps ethernet switch with 8 clients plugged in has a total combined bandwidth of 800mbps (it's 8up and 8down but since every 100 up is someone elses 100 down it's still just 800).

I mean sure, you only have one 1 gbps link to google, but you could be streaming a movie from your NAS to your plex client while downloading the latest american horror story without either slowing the other down if you are wired.

Comment Re:Does that mean they'll get to vote? (Score 1) 385

You don't sue people for crimes you imprison them. I can imprison a chimp, how exactly do you imprison a chimp?

Also, you are using misdirection. Corporate person hood refers to more than the ability to hold a corporation liable. It refers to giving the corporation rights and protections in addition to those already enjoyed by the individuals who make up the corporation. The concept taken to it's extreme would give my wife and I (who now hold control of a corporation) an extra vote in an election.

Most importantly, from the liability you aspect you mentioned, is that instead of my wife and I being responsible for the crimes we collectively commit under the umbrella of that piece of paper, the paper is liable. We can do all sorts of unethical and evil using it's name, then fold that paper up and put it away if it doesn't all work out.

Comment Re:Oracle (Score 2) 146

"I think it was lauded as crushing anti-competitive behavior. How is Google shipping their own custom JRE on phones they control 70% of the market for that different?"

For one 70% is nowhere near the market dominance that 96% is. Android is hardly the only game in town on phones and android, unlike windows, is an open platform.

But that is hardly the important issue here. If API's become copyrightable that impacts almost every piece of software... on every platform. You don't have to file to have a copyright they are auto-magic whether registered or not. You scribble a poem on a napkin it is copyrighted.

Comment Re:The Conservative Option (Score 1) 487

Considering people can lie on entry paperwork and use multiple passports that seems rather challenging. How about nations with ebola outbreaks stop letting people leave. The problem isn't ebola spreading to the US. The problem is ebola spreading.

And since ebola has already spread to the US that list should include the US for the time being.

Comment Huh? (Score 1) 249

"Personal data harvesting for contextual ads and content should be a beautiful thing."

You must be insane. Nobody thinks contextual ads are a good thing or a benefit except advertisers and those who sell advertising. Advertising sucks, contextual advertising sucks even more because they are gathering and harvesting my data.

Comment Re: Rebels (Score 1) 460

"2)"believe in Angels". The stidues that I saw for for angel belief in the USA vary from 55 to 75%. So, from a half to a fourth don't have this belief."

55-75% of the population of the United States believes in imaginary and invisible fairies who serve an all-powerful invisible mega fairy. The mega fairy supposedly conveyed messages to illiterate ancient people's indicating that you will suffer for all eternity in the afterlife if you don't choose to believe in the mega fairy by proxy his normal human messengers without any evidence whatsoever but must have "faith." The lack of any evidence or sign is to assist you with believing without any basis for belief aka "faith." Oh, and those messengers want to dedicate their lives to spreading his message, so if you have faith you must give them a certain percentage of the annual income you work for so they can avoid doing any work. Oh and they shouldn't pay taxes because they are dedicated to the big fairy. Oh but you get something in exchange! If you confess all your blackmail material to them, they will forgive you for all your wrongdoings on the magical fairie's behalf so you don't have to feel bad about the horrible things you've done that have hurt others.

Seriously? You don't see ANYTHING wrong with that? There is more evidence for alien abduction and crop circles than any organized religion. That isn't a prejudice it's sanity. And while money grabbing is inflammatory phrasing it is an accurate assessment of what is happening. Even if the person asking for the money is legitimately one of the 55-75% who have somehow gotten this odd idea any of that could be rational or sane that only relegates him to the same rank as the crazy bum begging in the subway.

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 1) 460

I don't know, there seems to be a pack of corrupt scientists behind every company with a powerful lobby. Lead was believed to be harmless for years because oil companies paid for biased results from scientists to keep lead gasoline flowing. We've seen the same kind of profit related corruption with tobacco, religion, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, anti-drug (pharmaceuticals), addiction (in this industry is the doctors who profit from the rehab pushing it, along with DEA sludge funds AND pharmaceuticals). Not to mention smaller one offs like product safety, studies to support a product's efficacy, etc.

Generally speaking, it isn't the actual data being published that is compromised directly, but the spin on the data being published. A study on e-cig vapor paid for by an anti-smoking lobby (or the tobacco lobby) will highlight everything found in the vapor, will point out how potentially dangerous some of the chemicals can be. The same study paid for by supporters of e-cigs will point out that the chemicals found in e-cig vapors generally aren't undergoing a chemical change, are present in such low levels that there might be more of them in the air you are breathing anyway, and that you are probably breathing and ingesting more of these substances in a trip to starbucks than being immersed in "secondhand" vape for years. Both will have the same data but the money is definitely influencing the message.

Additionally, reports are coming out all the thing about scientists fabricating findings altogether and how it is becoming a large issue where scientists go down an avenue of research based on published papers that are dead ends.

I know you are really talking about climate change and I'm talking about science across the board. I also know that all scientists have ideas of what constitutes a "real" scientist. If they employee the scientific method and publish in journals I'm calling them scientists. We can't get so focused on defending climatologists that we turn a blind eye to real corruption and problems. To suggest that scientists are immune to corruption is both naive and ridiculous. A scientist is exactly 0% less likely to sell out or lie for profit when (s)he feels (s)he can get away with it than any other person.

Comment Re:Alibaba's AliExpress store is ripe with fakes (Score 2) 191

"On the other hand who owns Alibaba's 120 billion? Americans now. If the congress sicks their dogs on ALibaba it's the same as pilfering 120 billion from investors."

Sorry, no pity toward those investors. They knowingly invested in a criminal venture. They deserve not only to lose their money but to be in prison.

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