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Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 1) 324

The CRTC is in the pockets of companies that don't like netflix, aka cable companies.

Fire the CRTC from the top to the bottom. If they are having their salaries paid for by taxpayers but are not looking out for their interests then let them go work directly for the cable companies instead.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 1) 324

why does anyone other than netflix need to know who their customers are?

Why does a government regulatory body need to know who your customers are? Are you kidding?

No, we are not kidding. Tell us why bureaucrats, who are paid for by tax payer dollars need to know anything. I want to know who is being bribed and by who so I can both demand that the official be fired immediately and so that we can demand that the bribers can be brought up on bribery charges.

Comment Re:The US already had this power for a long time (Score 2) 241

Except they don't.

Not all root servers are in the US. Not all root servers are controlled by US companies/government agencies. And there is nothing preventing a cut of potion of the Internet/group of ISPs to route any or all of the these IPs to their own DNS servers.

The still control the majority of the routing. They can cripple the internet any time they want and they can get their loyal partners in europe to follow suit.

Comment The US already had this power for a long time (Score 3, Informative) 241

They control all of the root traffic across the internet so they could not only shut down the entire internet but close off the US portion of the internet anytime they wanted. In fact, I believe there was a similar story about Obama wanting to be sure that he could "shutdown" the internet in an emergency.

Comment Re:What about other devices? (Score 1) 421

If it's really free, can I download and install it legally on my assembled PC?

Do you normally advocate violating license terms of a GPL product? Do you advocate lying to obtain an educational license of a product? Do you advocate lying to get an open source developer license of a development tool for free? The terms of the license are that you get OS X for free but you must use it on a mac. Why is it so hard for you to understand? They don't want to sell another version for OEMs to put on generic hardware and that it their choice as copyright holders how their software should be licensed.

Comment Re:How does MS get away with it in the US? (Score 1) 421

Can't wait until the tie in between OS and hardware for Macs is shut down too. Being able to use MacOSX on any x86 compatible computer or buying able to buy a macbook without the OS (and don't give me the "Apple give away the OS!" crap, its value is baked in into the hardware, its just indirect...).

We wouldn't want any double standard here!

OS X is free as in beer if you have a mac and meet the minimum hardware requirements. The requirement for mac hardware is in the license. Are you here to tell us that you think the GPL terms should be ignored because you don't like them?

Comment Re:False premise (Score 1) 546

That's really what I look for too and value in a degree -- it shows that they have at least some history being committed to a large effort, seeing things through, learning new things, having communication skills, knowing how to write technical reports, etc.

Everything you wrote above can be applied to someone who has been with an employer for a number of years and been committed to a large project. Changes in teams, technologies and positions can demonstrate the ability to see things through, a willingness to learn new things, having communication skills and knowing how to write technical reports.

Comment Re:Facebook did not abuse their users (Score 1) 257

And no, I don't think they abused their "product" either. They did what they always do--show people things selectively to elicit a response. Usually it's called "advertising." In this case called it "research."

Question, how do you manage to type these shilling/apology post for facebook bent over with your head up your ass?

Comment Re: Sigh (Score 1) 748

Yes, and liberals such as myself contend that marriage is a human right. If tolerance means allowing gay individuals to have human rights, then they must have the right to marriage.

When was the last time basic human rights required a license? Driving a car requires a license and most people would consider it not a right but rather a privilege with a specific set or requirements. Both marriage and driving have "age" requirements and marriage used to have very specific test that you had to take (blood tests and record searches).

So tell me again, how is it a basic human right? Can you marry multiple people without first divorcing a spouse? No? That does not sound much like a right to me.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 2) 748

"Sorry, being forced to "tolerate" someone is, for me, functionally indistinct from being forced to approve of them."

Well, then you don't know the definition of "tolerate".

If you approve of something, then you cannot tolerate it because tolerance implies disapproval. It's part of the definition.

tolerate: allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of something that one does not necessarily like or agree with without interference

It's not our fault that you can't read a dictionary, or refuse to accept the meanings of words. Look inward.

I think the person you were responding to knows the actual dictionary definition of tolerance but many liberals who are rabid supporters of the gay community seem to be confusing the word tolerance and acceptance or affirmation. They are quick to call anyone who is not affirming gays as intolerant. I tolerate their existence in society but I do not support specific rights for gays. Their human rights should suffice.

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