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Comment Re:Illegal Immigrants (Score 1) 677

Better question: Why so much grief, hatred, and outrage over a relative non-issue?

Yeah, the MSM says that so it must be true. Then why are human trafficking arrests at an all time high? Do you support human trafficking and child prostitution? Do you realize that gangs use unrelated adults to pose as parents to smuggle children across the border for the sex trade or slave labour? They are called coyotes.

Comment The app title bar does not belong to the app (Score 1) 362

It is available for the APP to use for certain notification glyphs indicating state, identifying the current document in focus and possibly the name of the Application (depending on OS implementation). However, does not belong to the Application. It is on loan from the OS GUI services.

Stop messing with things for the sake of change. Provide a defendable set of use cases showing how it benefits usability to the end user. They are your customer whether they pay you money or not. Even if it is Open source software, users are your customers and without them, your software has no point to exist.

Comment Re:Funny conversation with a colleague from Quebec (Score 1) 344

That reminds me of what a Canadian in Vancouver once told me: Many English Canadians are annoyed at the dual-language French on their cereal boxes and believe it goes back to the 1970s language laws in Quebec, but it actually goes back to the 1920s when Quaker Oats started putting French on its cereal boxes to improve its sales among French-speaking consumers.

Almost nobody in Vancouver speaks french other than federal government employees and yet we not only have a taxpayer funded french CBC radio station but also a local French CBC television station. English CBC already has really low ratings outside of Hockey Night in Canada but I would assume that the french versions are even lower.

Vancouverites put up with the french version of the safety instructions on flights leaving YVR but it seems a bit ridiculous to have the french version on a flight to the US because if you are travelling from Vancouver to the US, chances are, you are fluent in English. If Quebec can have language laws for signs, why can't english Canada just do away with all of this french stuff and save money?

Comment Re:This could be useful if done right (Score 1) 80

You're already in control of who sees photos you're tagged in. You can chose to review them before release, as well. The photo will still be on Facebook, but your friends/girlfriend/whoever won't see that you're tagged in it, and unless they're friends with the poster, they won't see it at all.

My point is that if someone posts your photo without your permission, it won't be seen at all by anyone, not just the poster's friends.

If you do not know the person and you photo bombed their photo with their friends, that is your problem not theirs. I doubt you will be able to block the photo from being posted if you just happen to be in a photo with other people.

Comment Re:Fuck Trump supporters. (Score 2) 591

Because they effing deserved it. They were deplorables the same kinds that voted for Roy Moore couple of days back. A cancer to this nation!

Right as opposed to Al Franken, Anthony Weiner, the Kennedy Clan, Bill Clinton and all the rest of the democrats currently embroiled in scandals. Roy Moore has not admitted guilt. I thought we were supposed to assume innocent until proven guilty or an admission of guilt?

Comment Re: IT'S A TRAP! (Score 1) 113

Notice that MS came up with ports for iOS, Android (Linux based) and even OS X / MacOS (Unix based). Yet they canâ(TM)t manage to put it out for common Linux distro such as Ubuntu or Mint? And thatâ(TM)s despite building a linux subsystem for windows and claiming to âwant to play wellâ(TM)? Such crap.. MS hasnâ(TM)t changed itâ(TM)s ways

Too many distros and not enough marketshare on the desktop.

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