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Comment Re:Children (Score 3) 753

You let your child travel to the convenience store without adult supervision, without even a phone just in case? You child abuser, you.

Fucking NAZI. When I was growing up, all the kids wandered the neighbourhood without adult supervision until dusk and we turned out just fine. We also walked to the neighbourhood corner store for candy. Namby-pamby fascists like you are what is ruining society. We did not have cell phones either.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 0) 753

You're still perfectly able to not use cash, but why do you insist that the rest of us follow along?

because it's impractical for some to take cash, so I am "forced" to use cash for some transactions.

You might like to be sodomized by the man but let the rest of live free. Do you want to be the bitch of big brother or something?

Comment New York City (Score 1) 92

Garbage bag filled streets, the smell of garbage, stupid bridge tolls just to get to Manhattan from the airport and rude people. Visiting NYC once was enough for me for a long time. Attention New Yorkers and New York bureaucrats, you are destroying your local economy with your idiotic short sightedness. Nobody wants to visit your city if you are going to make it a horrible experience.

Comment Re:Probable cause (Score 1, Flamebait) 223

Yes, it does include a freedom "from" religion clause. If you take the time to learn anything about the framers of the Constitution, you'll know that they were dead-set against allowing anything invoking divine authority to creep into the system of law and government which they were creating. Not all of them, but most, and that wisdom, thankfully, carried the day.

What language exactly are you writing in? It appears to be english but you appear to not understand english. I quote the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Where in that set of phrases do you see a freedom "from" religion? It enshrines the principle that the "government" can neither establish a state church or prevent the free exercise of any religion. It does nothing to protect atheists from having to live around non-atheists. You have to make that choice yourself and move elsewhere if you don't like your neighbours. It binds the government to prevent them from interfering and it does not grant you any rights as a citizen to lord over others who choose to practice a religion.

Comment Re: Socialism is not working (Score 1) 710

Why, because the US is the most socialist country in the West? What planet are you on?

Really high welfare payouts? Check. Significant amount of the GDP on military spending? Check. 1 in 4 of the workforce work for the government? Check. Vast amounts of government subsidized housing? Check.

Seriously, compared to Canada, the US is positively socialism even though republicans like to call Canada socialist/communist.

In Hawaii, you can get 60k on welfare.

Comment Re:My Anecdotal Evidence (Score 1) 455

'Everyone' hates the car dealership, and I do too. But, in my recent, personal experience, they have provided me the benefit of price competition. I needed to lease a car and found the lowest price I could find. I then simply called the 'Internet Department' at each of the local dealerships for this particular model, and just asked if they could beat that price. One guy said he could, and I went to him. I don't know if this is possible with purchasing a Tesla. Can different dealerships set their own prices, or, since the dealership is the manufacturer, is the price the same across any 'dealership' within a given geographical area?

Don't know. Can your boss set your salary on a whim after asking a bunch of random strangers what he should pay you?

Comment Re:Makes perfect sense. (Score 0) 376

They are banning their use for privacy of other patrons.

Their other patrons expect privacy in a public place? I bet the cinema has plenty of surveillance cameras already aiming at those patrons.

They expect privacy in the sense that there would be nobody (other patrons) taking photos or video of them within the theatre.

Comment Re:Makes perfect sense. (Score 1) 376

If the device has flashing LEDs, bright backlights, etc., OK I see the point. If it simply bothers people that someone in there is a geek, then I'll just wait for someone to ban the gays, the blacks and my favorite annoyance, hipsters.

I don't own the device and it'll be a long time before I'm convinced it wouldn't make me sick, but "We don't want none of your kind here" isn't an emotion I sympathize with from any establishment for any reason.

I don't think you understand the problem. They are not banning them for piracy. They are banning their use for privacy of other patrons. They have to look out for the interests of the majority of their customers.

Comment Re:It happens every day in my job. (Score 3, Insightful) 593

I'm a hiring manager for a Fortune 100 Tech company (my boss reports directly to WW HR VP) and have been told point-blank that all hires must pass the "if all else is nearly equal" rule. In other words, when presented with two applicants who are "nearly" equally qualified for a position, that we are to hire the one that best addresses a minority concern. Period.

So if Jack rates a 9, and Jane rates a 7 in our interview results, Jane will always be hired. Any manager hiring Jack over Jane in this scenario will not be one much longer.

So which racist and misandry company do you work for so we can all avoid buying their products and services? Tell us so none of you can be there much longer.

Comment Re:non news (Score 1) 288

I really don't understand people who insist that a company should be forced to take a loss before they cut their workforce. It's the cost of being more efficient. Don't like it? get off Slashdot and write a letter to your local newspaper editor. Inefficiency creates jobs and your posting to Slashdot is putting your local newspaper owner, postman and lumberjack out of work. Stop being a hypocrite about it. Oh, any while you're at it be sure to deliver it down to the drop box in your horse and buggy. Your local whip manufacturer will love you for it.

I don't think you understand how healthy capitalism is supposed to work. Employees of HP are not only providing goods are services but area also potential customers of HP products and services. When you cut and cut and cut, you end up with nobody being able to afford the products your company offers. The lost jobs also have a ripple effect in the local economy. Why don't you stop being a hypocrite. You want to keep your job right? Why should you get to keep yours?

At some point, cutting jobs have a negative effect on your bottom line over the long run.

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