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Comment Re:Overpopulation (Score 1) 118

"people get sick as a consequence of bad behaviour" Ah, circular reasoning FTW. In absence of STDs and Christian morality having bareback sex is not bad behavior anymore, you know.

I think you need to stop using words that you clearly do not understand their meaning. This is not circular reasoning but a matter of your actions having natural consequences. You seem to be engaging in "magical" thinking where because you believe that something is not bad behaviour that somehow the negative consequences of your actions go away. The same consequences exists regardless of what you believe. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

Risky behaviour remains risky no matter how much wishful thinking you engage in. Christian morality simply helps people avoid certain risks and ensure that their behaviour does not negatively affect other people around them especially those they care about. You are free to be an amoral a-hole but your actions will have natural consequences down the road and you will have negatively affected other people that you have interacted with.

Comment Re:Overpopulation (Score 0) 118

You have the mindset of the Christian God. Mass genocide...hey, it works.

You atheists are funny. You don't believe in god but then you blame god when people get sick as a consequence of bad behaviour. I have a fool proof way to not get HIV. Ready for it? Are you really ready? Ok here it is.

Don't fuck random strangers. Find a life mate who does not have HIV and marry them. Then remain faithful.

Why is this so damn hard for people to understand? Your choices often have consequences. Make the right choices in life.

Comment Re:Sister? (Score 1) 69

A friend of mine would scold me for not scolding you about the difference between gender and sex.

Uh, in the natural state, they are the same thing. You have to apply technology to making someone appear a different gender on the outside sort of but you cannot change their sex. The reality is that everyone can tell the difference between a natural woman and a transexual. It is blindingly obvious and no amount of facial surgery can change that.

Comment Most of their headphones are crap. (Score 1) 198

The Dr. Dre headphones are crap. They have a plastic headband that will crack at random intervals of use. The executive ones have a metal band but it takes disposable batteries and only work when you have the noise cancelling turned on.

If Apple does buy them, they should replace the plastic bands on the other models with metal with leather cushion like what you find on the Executive. For the price they share, they should not break during normal use within a year.

I had a pair of Dr. Dre Wireless break on me after a 4 months of normal use after returning from a business trip to DC. The headband snapped on me.

Comment People are stupid and don't know how to add. (Score 1) 482

I am saving a tonne of money by having officially unlocked my iPhone 5S from another carrier where I was paying 90 bucks a month for a paltry amount of data per month. Now I pay 39 bucks per month for unlimited everything in Canada and the US. Even with having to pay off the device balance, the unlock fee (50 bucks), I am going to save hundreds of dollars of the remainder of time that I would have paid if I had stayed on my contract with that other carrier. I am saving even more by not having to pay roaming fees when I cross the border.

When I eventually do upgrade, I will not be buying an iPhone subsidized but rather I will buy one directly from Apple. That way, I can choose the best carrier available at the time and save a lot of money over the long haul.

Always consider the long term cost of ownership.

Comment The "US is not a democracy" guys are half right. (Score 1) 818

But they are not right for the reasons they state. If you were to compare the US government against even Canada with it's appointed senate, it is easier to topple a Canadian federal government by the will of the people outside of the normal election cycle without any violence.

How is this possible? First for all Canada's head of the government is the Prime minister which is the leader of the party with the most seats in the legislature instead of being a separate elected "president". What this means is that a government can be toppled early if they have the most seats but no majority in the house and the other parties decide to gang up and vote down the budget or some other "confidence" motion. This will trigger an early election.

Citizens in a riding (district for you americans) can also organize a recall referendum to force a "by-election" in that one riding/district where the sitting member has to contest for his/her seat in a special election. If the ruling party were to be forced to fight too many by-elections and lost too many seats to the opposition parties, a general election could be triggered early by a non-confidence vote.

Unfortunately, since the leader of the cabinet and the leaders in the house are separate people in the US system and because losing the majority in a house does not trigger an election, the people really have no way to topple a government they disagree with without a violent uprising.

You cannot force a reset of the house or senate through a lost vote on the budget in the US whereas in countries like Canada, if the government loses a key vote, it is considered as having lost the confidence of the people and a new election has to be called.

Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 818

Ding Ding Ding! Pure Democracy leads to a Tyranny of the Masses... left unrestricted you end up with chaos. A Constitutional Republic (as our founders intended) puts up some fences to Democracy that work to ensure individual liberty above the collective mass idocy.

Ding, ding goes the bell but there is a dim bulb above your head. You already have the Tyranny of the masses in the US in the form of direct votes on levies and other binding referendums. I am not talking about direct democracy but rather parliamentary democracy. The US House of representatives might not be called a parliament and you might have a separate executive branch that is elected but you still share many concepts and procedures from the westminster model of parliaments including a speaker of the house, rules for presenting a bill, rules for debate, committees and a throne speech but in your case, it is called the State of the Union address.

I hate to break it to you but your country is not as special as you make it out to be.

Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 818

Oh crying out loud, not this shit again? No wonder your country is so messed up. You are confusing structure with whether your representatives are elected democratically or not.

You are confusing Democracy with Representation, illustrated by you not seeing that 'partial democracy' is a contradiction in terms. Democracy isn't voting for things or electing leaders. Democracy is implementing policies reflective of the population's requirements. Representation and voting for representatives are just pragmatic routines. I would argue that in a real democracy you vote for policies and the people in office should be instantly recalled when they deviate from agreed policy. Representatives should be interchangeable, and 'leaders' shouldn't even exist in a democratic government. Electing leaders is not democracy

You have a funny set of definitions there pal. Sorry but your country is already messed up enough as it is with your idea of direct democracy. Voting for or against a levy to fund a school is idiotic. A working democracy requires one to vote in a representative. The same process occurs in both parliamentary democracies and your country. I hate to break it to you but your country is not special in that regard.

Electing leaders is democracy if you are given distinct choices in candidates with differing philosophies. There are republics around the world that have elections where you only have the choice of one candidate per seat and they are all from the same ruling party. Are you suggesting that the US is a one party system?

Comment Re:Structure vs Outcome (Score 1) 818

The US structurally still remains a republic (not a democracy).

However - when people are too ignorant to cast an educated vote, the result can mirror one found with a structural oligarchy - but to imply then that the US is somehow thus structurally transformed to an oligarchy is wrong headed.

A consequence of truly free society is that you are free to give up your freedom to someone else - either explicitly or through complacency.

You can't fix stupid.

You are right you cannot fix stupid. Republic is the structure stupid. Democracy is the method of how representatives are chosen. See:

Look at that list. It shows various types of republics with differing levels or democracy or the complete lack there of.

Comment Re:Since when (Score 4, Informative) 818

The US of A has NEVER been a Democracy, Our founding fathers knew that a Democracy was not the way to do proper government and framed what we are today called a Constitutional Republic. What we have now is a twisted mess of a government that is controlled by the money not the people that it was intended to be controlled by.

Oh crying out loud, not this shit again? No wonder your country is so messed up. You are confusing structure with whether your representatives are elected democratically or not. China is a constitutional Republic as are a bunch of other republics around the world. You are confusing the structure of a government with how it is elected. There are various types of forms of government such as Republics, Parliamentary Systems and Parliamentary Republics. Some are partially democratic, completely democratic or undemocratic.


Finland is an example of a Parliamentary republic because it has an elected President as head of state and a unicameral parliament with a Prime Minister. Canada is an example of a Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy where the Queen is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the leader of the winning party of parliamentary elections.

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 818

So basically what I've been saying for a few years now. Welcome to Russia Americans. Have fun with that. That leaves Canada and Australia as the last bastions of freedom in the world.

I wish that were true. In some ways it is but not in other ways. I cannot really talk about that though. Sorry.

Comment Re:Fantastic Google Chrome marketing (Score 1) 204

I and 5 others deleted Mozilla and moved to Chrome. It felt weird after all these years to not have Firefox but we voted with our feet. It's not even a gay thing, it's a "we are sick of bullies and hypocrites" thing.

But what about the LGBT employees there? The CEO was just one of the employees (and now he's gone) so the only people you're hurting are the other Mozilla employees, why are you so against them?

Their sexual orientation is relevant how? It justifies their intolerance how?

Comment Re:Russia (Score 1) 313

We can say anything about their government, but we can't say that they are not really ambitious.

Bullying a smaller neighbor into handing over their territory isn't exactly ambitious by historical standards, par-for-the-course more like.

Do you mean like Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas?

Comment Re:New McCarthyism (Score 1) 448

Because, of course, the alleged Conservatives never ever raise a voice in ire about somebody being liberal, or donating to liberal causes, of being a card-carrying member of the ACLU.

Sorry dude, but your own bed is a mess.

I dare you to watch this video and then come back here and explain yourself.

Would you care to explain why this person's personal taxes, tweets and Facebook posts were the business of the IRS when they applied for non-profit status of a government watchdog group? Would you care to explain why their business was suddenly audited on numerous occasions after filing for that status for a separate entity they were founding? Would you care to explain why OSHA showed up and fined her company 20k despite a finding of nothing wrong after filing for non-profit status of a separate entity? Would you care to explain why the FBI had her and members of her non-profit organization investigated for possible terrorist activity?

No wrong doing was found and no motive for going after her was offered by the government and yet they still randomly fined here business 20k and continually harassed her and her family.

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