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Submission + - Aldermaston and the Edge of Darkness (

rar42 writes: "Is the British government working to promote the planned release of the film of the Edge of Darkness? As discussed in the Cockspiracy blog, and more solidly reported on the BBC, "The move means Britain no longer has any stake in the production of its Trident nuclear warheads." Truth seems to be stranger than the fiction first shown in 1985."

Submission + - BBC iPlayer open for Linux (

rar42 writes: "Having burnt through hundreds of millions of pounds to develop an iPlayer application that allows Windows users to download programmes to their PCs with all the DRM fun, the BBC seems to have got the cross-platform flash streaming version up and running in a few weeks and without cries of agony from the production companies.

The BBC still needs to provide equality across platforms by allowing non-Windows users to download programmes to our computers. Apparently, to their credit, the BBC Trust have made no bones about this requirement.

So why not take a stroll over to the BBC Website , sit back and watch a BBC programme or two.

Much credit should go the The Open Source Consortium and The Open Rights Group for all their work on this."

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