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Comment Re:But let's remember (Score 1) 474

I take it you're not familiar with Camille Paglia, or Erica Jong, or Gloria Steinem, or Germaine Greer, or literally any second-wave feminist who isn't a radical feminist. Actually, I don't need to assume that. I know that, otherwise you wouldn't have confused the two. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you're probably even less familiar with third-wave feminism.

Fun fact: Andrea Dworkin is the only radical feminist that most people have ever heard of. That's how marginal the movement was. If I had $1 for every time I've seen Anita Sarkeesian referred to as a "radical feminist", I'd be probably able to afford Bayonetta 2 including the Australia Tax.

Comment Re:Quit buying games on day one (Score 1) 474

You've never been truly hyped for a video game before.

I certainly haven't. OK, I'm a little bit hyped for The Witness, but that's about it.

I waited a year before buying AC3 (Washington Edition). A lot of people hated AC3. I liked it, and I think that part of the reason was that I wasn't hyped and didn't spend very much money on it. I got it cheaper than everyone who pre-ordered, and I got all the DLC. I think it's worth exactly what I paid for it, all up.

BTW, I'm still waiting for the Arkham Origins Complete Edition.

Comment Re:Ideally (Score 1) 76

While I have a lot of sympathy for what Schwartz was trying to do, what he was doing was clearly illegal [...]

There is nothing that Schwartz did which should be a criminal matter, let alone a felony.

Even JSTOR didn't want to pursue. All they cared about was that someone was DoSing their system. As soon as that stopped, that was the end of it as far as they were concerned.

Swartz was a co-author and editor of the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. It's controversial, but there is quite a bit of evidence to support the claim that if it wasn't for this, there would have been no felony charges.

What's uncontroversial is that like many defendants, he was being punished for not accepting a plea bargain. Note that while most common law jurisdictions have a limited form of plea bargaining, plea bargaining as it is practiced in the United States, where a defendant is threatened with a large number of tenuous charges in order to coerce or manipulate them into pleading guilty on a few of them, would be grounds for suing the prosecutors for malicious prosecution or abuse of process in most places, allowing the defendant to recover costs.

(It should be noted that most common law jurisdictions have also abolished grand juries because they archaic and barbaric, along with elected judges and prosecutors.)

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

Yeah, I'll bet the people who are now blaming gamergate for everything from spoiled milk to murder will NEVER blame people using a new hashtag for the same thing.

True. I mean, there are actually people, if you can believe it, who are blaming all of game journalism's ills on feminism and social justice.

Les Murray's famous haiku was never more true:

Brutal policy,
like inferior art, knows
whose fault it all is.

Comment Re:Two thoughts (Score 2) 716

I'm tired of this new trend that games need messages or to be "cinematic".

Woah there, cowboy. Who said "need"?

The problem isn't that some people believe that games "need" messages. The problem is that other people think that that games with a message, or interactive forms of entertainment which push the boundary of what a "game" is, should not exist.

That is tlhIngan's point. The mere existence of Sundance does not threaten the existence of Michael Bay. He will keep on making movies until it's no longer profitable to do so, and sleep soundly at night on top of a large pile of cash.

Nobody is trying to take your toys away. If you don't like same toys as other people, don't play with them.

Hell, it's not even like Quinn was ripping people off. Depression Quest was worth exactly what everyone paid for it. That was kind of the point, no?

Comment Re:Two thoughts (Score 1) 716

The fact that anyone takes this seriously shows just how naive they really are.

Nobody ever sat me down and said: "You know, child, some day you may feel the need to threaten to rape or murder someone. I just want you to know that there are no circumstances under which this is okay behaviour. It's tempting, but don't. Okay?"

Nobody ever said that to me because this is not normal behaviour. Even at the age of 12, it never occurred to me that this was a thing that could be done. Hell, even after being on the Internet for over 20 years, it didn't occur to me that this was a possible response to anything.

Whether the threat is credible or not, the fact that someone, even at the age of 12, would do this is extremely fucking serious. Anyone who doesn't realise that is more naive than I am.

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

Do you know how to solve this problem? It's almost absurdly easy: Pick a different hashtag.

Really, that's it. All you need to do is pick a hashtag that the doxxers and the people sending death threats and rape threats and bomb threats aren't using. As a bonus, it would be a hashtag that wasn't coined by Adam Baldwin, and wouldn't have that stupid "-gate" suffix. There is no downside.

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

Let's assume for the sake of argument that everything you say is correct. What do you think about Brianna Wu offering a bounty for catching those who sent her death threats?

I would like you, yes you, to answer that question for me please. I want your opinion on that.

If you had received as many death threats and rape threats as she did, I suspect you'd be spending quite a bit of time and brainshare dealing with that. You could characterise that as "a tactic to [...] distract from the Gamergate scandal", or you could characterise that as being a little preoccupied trying to ensure your own physical safety.

Comment Re:No thank you (Score 1) 267

I'm about 85% certain this is a Poe.

So on the off chance it isn't, because sci fi is very serious business and we can't joke about such things, you have it precisely backwards about those two films. The first one was brilliant despite the lens flare, and the second one was a hamfisted attempt at fanservice.

It is true that Cumberbatch's portrayal of Kahn isn't what dragged Into Darkness down, hence the lingering 15% doubt.

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