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Roku Finally Gets a 2D Menu System 80

DeviceGuru writes "Many of us have griped for years about Roku's retro one-dimensional user interface. Finally, in conjunction with the release of the new Roku 3 model, the Linux-based media streaming player is getting a two-dimensional facelift, making it quicker and easier to access favorite channels and find new ones. Current Roku users, who will now begin suffering from UI-envy, will be glad to learn that Roku plans to push out a firmware update next month to many earlier models, including the Roku LT, Roku HD (model 2500R), Roku 2 HD, Roku 2 XD, Roku 2 XS, and Roku Streaming Stick. A short demo of the new 2D Roku menu system is available in this YouTube video."
The Military

United States Begins Flying Stealth Bombers Over South Korea 567

skade88 writes "The New York Times is reporting that the United States has started flying B-2 stealth bomber runs over South Korea as a show of force to North Korea. The bombers flew 6,500 miles to bomb a South Korean island with mock explosives. Earlier this month the U.S. Military ran mock B-52 bombing runs over the same South Korean island. The U.S. military says it shows that it can execute precision bombing runs at will with little notice needed. The U.S. also reaffirmed their commitment to protecting its allies in the region. The North Koreans have been making threats to turn South Korea into a sea of fire. North Korea has also made threats claiming they will nuke the United States' mainland."

Comment Re:Change your e-mail address (Score 1) 239

Second, make sure your "Forgot Password" recovery question is non obvious as well. I recently had a Gmail account stolen out from under me because I had an extremely obvious secret question (e.g. on the order of "What does f-o-o spell? foo") going way back to the Gmail prehistoric times. Seems like this has been an attack vector that has been employed a lot recently.

Comment Re:This is not a bad patent (Score 1) 147

Because if you patent stuff that makes sure that it is not used. Consider the car and oil industries. They are reputed to have patented all sorts of things to stop them. This is why we have not had any alternatives to fuel guzzling junkhepas until very recently..

First, I'd like to see a citation for your "reputed" claim.

Second, the reason why we have not had alternatives for gas guzzlers is not for lack of trying. It's because the alternatives are not competitive from a technical or economic standpoint, neither of which are a direct result of being held back by hostile patent holders.

Comment What is the magnitude and makeup of the data? (Score 1) 150

Honest question: I am curious about how much (sensitive) data they were able to capture. It seems to me that a car driving through neighborhoods and past businesses will only capture a very small amount of the traffic from some fraction of the access points which have no (or weak) encryption), and "sensitive" traffic (e.g. unencrypted logins) would be a very small fraction of that. So a fraction of a fraction of a fraction diminishes the value quickly - though I suppose they make it back on scale.

Capturing HTTP "remember me" cookies for seems like it would be dangerous since they might be reused back in the lab to access all the data stored at the social or webmail site.

It would be helpful on this issue to understand the magnitude and makeup of the data, and how much of it is actually valuable / dangerous.

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