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Comment This IS my experience (Score 5, Insightful) 95

I'm always so impressed when ChatGPT etc. churns out a bunch of code:

- At first it just FEELS like it does exactly what I want! I'm so happy!
- Then I look through the code and think to myself that I need to change some small things like var names, put in my content, etc
- Then I realize that some parts I don't understand
- ...and that it's not quite working
- I ask ChatGPT for some kind of explanation, and it apologizes and gives me a rewrite of part of the code
- This new part doesn't completely work with the old part, so I have to figure that out
- In the course of figuring it out, I realize that the part I don't understand is some bizarrely convoluted crap that, now that I've wrapped my mind around the issue, should be a simple one-liner
- I ask ChatGPT about this and it apologizes and gives me my one-liner
- I realize that all the formatting conventions and patterns ChatGPT recommended are not what I usually do, and that there are all kinds of subtle and hidden costs and assumptions -- there were a million hard-earned reasons I was coding MY way, and I had got carried away and forgot
- I realize that I just wasted a bunch of time

StackOverflow usually helps me wrap my mind around issues, ChatGPT makes me take a long, long route to get there

Comment Exactly what we DON'T want (Score 1) 53

We don't want "guardrails" - we'd like to be able to define parameters, maybe, for different situations. But the hobbled AI out these is instantly annoying to anyone who kicks the tires. The ability to refuse to engage with a user is absolutely insane. If my AI says something I don't like, I should be able to coach it to not do that -- again under certain circumstances. When helping me read Michelle Foucault, thinking about ancient Sparta, or helping to me to write a screenplay, it is absurd for the AI to tell me that this of that idea is morally wrong or dangerous, etc.

Comment Oddly touching (Score 5, Insightful) 60

My kid showed me this a few days ago. I have no knowledge of this weird niche of Mindcraft YouTube influencers, etc. Watching it made clear that there's a whole world in there that seems to me to be of dubious value, but this video was really touching. It was very emotional and felt very and rarely authentic.

Comment Re:Google (Score 1) 225

MS used to push IE, to the point that it destroyed all competitors. Apple does the same. And Google. FF was a real miracle, because a not-for-profit, genuine Free-software was able to have a huge and outsized impact over something so important based mainly on it's merits.

Comment 100TB NOT enough (Score 1) 40

Over the course of several year, even small schools will have to delete old stuff -- 100TB is NOT enough. We're being trained to accept that as a matter of course, but it's not cool. The videos of the school plays. The Chorus concerts. The student-made videos. Photos of kids' artwork. etc. These multi-GB files will feel ripe to delete when the system starts nagging that your storage limit is used up.

Comment Re: Google and Apple tax to Firefox (Score 1) 73

The thing that's wrong is that Apple doesn't allow it, and they can only do that because they make the OS. (The issue of native controls is different -- browsers can use "native" controls without using a "native" rendering engine.) Mozilla has already made their own rendering engine, and they have a lot of experience with it. They wouldn't be wasting their time because they'd be able to focus on things that users might want, but that go against what is in Apple or Google's strategic plan. (Good ad blocking, better control of media, supported file formats, etc.)

Comment Google and Apple tax to Firefox (Score 1) 73

I think it'd make sense as part of an anti-trust settlement for Apple and Google (and MS) to fund Firefox Dev to the tune of 500+ full-time developers, and at the expense of their own browsers.

- Apple still doesn't allow FF or any other rendering engine to work on iOS. This should be a constant point of complaint in the /. community, but it is hardly ever discussed.

- Likewise, Google has poured $$ into Chrome, and again to what end? Both companies leverage their browsers (not talking about anything else here now) to prop up monopolies, just like -- or possibly worse than -- MS did with IE.

You have WebKit hindering innovation on mobile. And Google pushing Chrome and wresting the basic web-ecosystem to its own ends (via AMP, Node, Gmail, it's set of metrics, etc.). Have Apple and Google done innovative things? Yes. Good things? Yes. But they do not play fair. They take advantage of their market positions in one space (hardware, search) and muck up the ability for there to be honest competition in browsers and the web.

Comment Re:Can Amazon afford to do that? (Score 1) 84

Right -- I thought the whole history of AWS was that Amazon built a good infrastructure with lots of built-in redundancy. The rest of us are just living off their fumes. It would be as if the ground beef bin at the butcher went into their own business -- hamburgers come from the extra bits of the choice cuts.

Comment advice on starting a web community? (Score 1) 161

My Master's paper for my academic specialty is a proposal for a computer system that would allow a common activity in this field to happen on a sort of centralized website. I think my idea is fairly detailed and good, but a lot of the people and institutions in my field aren't very computer-savvy. I don't think I am a good enough programmer to build the entire thing myself -- it doesn't have to ultimately be Wikipedia-size, but if successful, it would have several tens of thousands of users, and things like security would be important.

How would you recommend I proceed? Get some (bad) working code and early adopters and iterate? Try to organize a team of planners and programmers? Try to get funding first? Any tips?

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