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Comment Re:Not the only problem (Score 1) 72

On top of that after looking through the firmware they've found that it's not custom software, but a badly configured OpenWRT build with a standard root password (set to "developer!"), an unsecured wifi ssid and sshd installed and running by default!

Interesting. Maybe "open-source", in the context that they meant it, means that all the users' private data should be open-source, rather than anything about the hardware or software.

Comment Re:Maybe you would and maybe you would not. (Score 1, Troll) 111

Lack of access to the First Lady's workout schedule is not what the people complaining about lack of transparency are upset about.

Explicit counter-example was right in parent post. David Nakamura clearly was upset about the lack of transparency in the First Lady's workout schedule.

I believe the next step is that you claim the cited example doesn't count, for reasons approximating "No True Scotsman".

Comment I've heard this argument before (Score 1) 265

Specifically, anti-vaxxers.

"If so many people refuse to get vaccinated, herd immunity can't work. So why bother?"

"Because if all you voluntary natural selection candidates want to kill yourselves, my own vaccination will at least partially protect me."

Open Source at least offers the opportunity to protect yourself, to the extent of your own skill and effort. Which is the most anyone can realistically expect in this world. I have no intentions of allowing my fate to rest entirely at the tender mercy of people who think they know better than me.

Comment clickbait (Score 1) 547

Complete with unsupported (unsupportable?) assertions ("perl is dead! DEAD!") on completely wrong-headed propositions ("A programming language can die," which apparently means that "the cool kids don't want to get their precious genius minds dirty with it because it's too mainstream.")

And yet here I am, participating in the conspiracy by commenting. I hate what Slashdot has made me become. I should have walked away months, maybe years, ago.

Comment Re:Military personnel have a different attitude... (Score 1) 299

And that isn't specifically just the military background, although the military culture has a way of incubating a "just follow orders" mindset. There are others who are clever and intelligent and actually mission-oriented enough to make the conversation go like this:

"But that request is insane."
"Not my call."
"It'll do the opposite of what's intended"
"That decision is above my paygrade. So let's come up with Plan B and save management from themselves."

Sad fact of life: management is sometimes too stupid to make the right decision, and the right decision will not be made against their explicit direction. Period. Unless you're the kind of guy who's willing to go to jail to prevent those unworthy bean-counters from sullying your network.

So the best service you can render, if you care about getting the mission done rather than buffing your ego or getting the hell out of Dodge, is prepare damage control.

Comment Re:April Fools? (Score 1) 137

Right. It's April 1st Old Style*.

They recoilled away from Soviet Communism so hard they overshot back into Tsarist Imperial Russia.

*No, not really. Don't be whoosed by a feeble calendar joke. The bit about 21st Century Tsarist Russia, though, that was serious.

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