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Comment Re:315ml (Score 1) 205

Wrong... there are NO open source project management tools that do even a fraction of what a proper tool should do... and none of them do resource leveling, which it shouldn't be that hard to implement... I hate MS project, but as an occasional project manager, there are no real options I've found out there.

Comment Re:Be careful! (Score 1) 667

So let me get this straight... you used a closed account to make a payment, essentially equivalent to paying with the checkbook from an account 6 months closed... though I understand it was an accident, some would go as far to say it's fraud. I'm not one to defend BofA in general, but this one is not 100% their fault.

Comment Re:Global warming has become hopelessly politicize (Score 1) 429

Rand Paul is not a Libertarian... his dad may be, though I'd consider him more of a Constitutionalist. Back when the tea party started, there were a lot of Libertarians attached to the project, mostly those disillusioned with no progress, but most of those who would consider themselves hard core Libertarians have since left it to the religious nuts (while still reserving the right to agree with some of what they are against in economic matters)

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