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Comment Re:Drupal is for coders (Score 0) 122

While some of your points (forum module) are valid, the part of needing PHP or that $$$$ is better spent on a closed source alternative is BS. If you want to create a simple family website, you can goto, download acquia drupal, which has all the modules you need for a simple family site, blog, image site, etc. There are tons of howtos, videos, etc that will teach you how to create the site without touching one line of code.

Most large shops are going drupal because they'd rather spend their $$$$ on developing custom cool things for the site instead of spending it on the closed-source CMS. And, once the site is deployed, the shop has a very large community to draw from for upgrades, changes, bug fixes, etc. They can even goto a different dev team who speaks drupal and not be tied into the company that originally built the site.

The White House, Sony, Lifetime, The Onion, Popular Science, Harvard, etc have PLENTY of money and all choose to use Drupal.

Submission + - switches to Drupal (

Falc0n writes: " has gone Drupal. After months of planning, says an Obama Administration source, the White House has ditched the proprietary content management system that had been in place since the days of the Bush Administration in favor of the latest version of the open-source Drupal software.
Dries Buytaert reflected on this, adding: "this is a clear sign that governments realize that Open Source does not pose additional risks compared to proprietary software, and furthermore, that by moving away from proprietary software, they are not being locked into a particular technology, and that they can benefit from the innovation that is the result of thousands of developers collaborating on Drupal.""

It's funny.  Laugh.

The First Geek Wedding At a LinuxFest 93

At the Ohio LinuxFest yesterday, two Linux geeks were married — or had their projects merged into a single trunk, as the officiant, Lord Drachenblut, put it. The wedding of Randy Noseworthy (proprietor of the Juiced Penguin) and Janet Edmonson was announced last week and was live-tweeted by at least one attendee — here's his photo of the happy couple. There's also a video of the ceremony, at which Jon "Maddog" Hall offered a blessing via pre-recorded audio.
Update: 09/26 20:03 GMT by KD : In the comments, anyaristow notes that this wasn't the first such wedding; Rob Landly and Fade were married at Penguicon in 2007, with Steve Jackson officiating and Eric Raymond as best man.

Comment Not Enterprise ready, wha? (Score 0) 688

In addition, Microsoft has a host of IT and management tools for deploying, maintaining and updating Windows hardware and software. Windows 7 adds some new ones, including management tools that use the scripting and automation capabilities of Windows PowerShell 2.0.
Snow Leopard makes a nod toward the enterprise, with built-in support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. But that's simply not enough. Snow Leopard is a consumer operating system, and isn't accompanied by the kind of management tools and IT ecosystem that enterprises need in order to manage large deployments.

Obviously this guy has not worked in an OSX or UNIX enterprise environment. There is a plethora ïof tools for OSX that make it very easy to manage across the enterprise. Add OSX server and netboot, and you have a very robust infrastructure built on OSX. Works well with exchange, but there are better groupware systems that also work with, And if he thinks 'powershell 2.0' can even come close to bash, hes gotta be on somethingï.

I find it annoying with reviewers play down OSX as some silly consumer product, unworthy of enterprise, management, or doing 'real work'. You goto a F/OSS developer conference and always over half, if not near 8 of 10 laptops will be OSX. Goto a film, media, or science tech conference and you'll find that number pushing 90%.

Comment Re:Respect rules of the road, not just the officia (Score 0) 882

I'll try to write this in the nicest way possible.

YOU are the problem. YOU cause most traffic to slow down. YOU are what causes road rage. Its really quite simple actually. You stay right except to pass. Period. If you think you're so self-righteous that you can set the speed for others and feel good about that, thats the definition of DOUCHEBAG, and don't deserve to be on the road.

It was a pleasure to drive in Germany. You stay in the right all the time, and not once in 2 weeks did I have to pass someone on the right. Everyone plays by the rules. It might be because if you don't, you'll have a mercedes going 200km/h that looks like it'll run right into you.

But seriously, people need to go back to driving school and learn that you STAY RIGHT AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT TO PASS.

And don't sit in the middle lane either. In many states, trucks are not allowed to use the left lane at all, therefore they need to pass in the middle lane. This includes RVs, People hauling trailers behind them, etc. So what does that mean...? STAY RIGHT AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT TO PASS!

So please, do us all a favor and get off the road and use mass transit if you can't follow this simple rule... STAY RIGHT AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT TO PASS

Comment Re:And Yet... (Score 1, Interesting) 317

What does the freedom of driving a vehicle have to do with "the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent or making quartering legally permissible in wartime only, and then only in accordance with law." ???

Regardless, there is no provision in the constitution that even comes close to mandated drivers licenses. Why? First, driving a motor vehicle on government or private property is a privilege, not a right. Freedom of travel relates to enforcement officers or laws that impede the free-flow of people no matter what method of transport. We're talking about checkpoints, DUI random checks, immigration stops, etc. This is a totally different issue.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 182

I'm in the same boat, however I wonder how stable Windows 7 actually will be? If it really is touted to be the 'SP2/3 release for vista', then it might be worth upgrading to. However, if its like every other windows release, it'll be crap and you'll have to wait until SP1 comes out Luckily I'm 99% linux / osx.. I only use windows for my very seldom gaming.

Comcast Apologizes For Super Bowl Porn Glitch 526

DrinkDr.Pepper writes "Just after the last touchdown by the Cardinals, with 3 minutes to go in the game, approximately 30 seconds of pornographic material was shown, seen by an unknown number of Comcast customers in Tucson, Arizona who were watching the game in standard definition. Comcast has apologized (they used the word 'mortified') and is issuing a $10 credit to any customer who claims to have been impacted. Various news accounts suggest that the incident was a malicious act, but no one knows how it was done or by whom."

Comment Re:Don't buld your own e-commerce site. Just don't (Score 0) 68

No, this is why you use a framework. A good framework enables best practices with minimal overhead. Even a framework may be overkill because there are tons of websites that are extremely simple in nature, and maybe only need a dab of PHP here or there to add the necessary dynamic elements.

Drupal is (now) just as much a framework as it is a CMS.

# Drupal starts you off with huge overhead. You will be running tons of code you aren't using from the get-go. You're basically starting off with quite a low ceiling.

Not quite. the core modules are getting more and more efficient, cutting out everything that isn't basic content and framework code. It isn't CakePHP or Rails yet, but its still quite small.

You will be sacrificing design for ease of development.

False. With zen theme and drupal documentation, you have FULL CONTROL over every aspect of your website. With drupal 6, it gets even easier with Theme developer. My friend just started using drupal a month ago, with limited PHP and Zero drupal experience. He just finished up his gf's page:

Drupal makes it hard to optimize your database usage.

True, that is a tradeoff with -ANY- framework by default. However if you have the need for further database optimization, there are many documented ways to make drupal perform well. Instead of spending the budget on building a site from scratch, instead you can dedicate a portion of it in optimizing it. Remember,,, SonyBMG all run drupal.

Drupal requires an expert to really make it sing.

Depends on the size of the site. A small one as shown above doesn't require an expert, just some nights looking at documentation; which by the way, thanks to Lullabot, pingvision, Acquia, and others, drupal has some of the best documentation around. However, for bigger sites, you're already going to need experts to get it to do what you want. In the context of E-commerce, I'm CERTAIN you will have a more complete system, built in less time, if you go with drupal rather than building an ecommerce system in Rails. Sure, there will be features that a client will need, and will need to be added to the quote, but you'll be leaps and bounds further from the get-go than if you use a basic framework or build from scratch.

SQL injection, user login, search functionality, XSS, XSRF, user input verification, all are things that are annoying and need to be taken care of. I'd rather have a tested system with a workable upgrade path and spend my time working on the content I need to build the app.

Drupal used to be hard to upgrade, but these issues have largely been resolved in 5 and 6. If you haven't seriously worked with drupal since 5 came out, take a second look at drupal, its community, and evolving modules. Its quite impressive.


Submission + - RFID tracking in grade school backpacks? (

Falc0n writes: "A school district in Providence, RI is planning to team up with a local tech company to track grade school students via RFID badges put on their backpacks. While the pilot program is only planned to be used for transit tracking purposes, the tags are not being removed when the students leave the bus. Not surprisingly, ACLU and parents are complaining, although the school district says there will be a chance to opt-out."

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