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Comment Re:What has gone wrong with the world? (Score 2, Interesting) 294

Modern Warfare 2 sold 6.4million copies in the first week in the US and UK alone and yet there weren't 6.4million new mass murders on the streets.

To play the devil's advocate, if there were 6.3 million new mass murders then it would be ok too? How do you know that the number of murders didn't significantly increase, or that the number of murders won't increase due to the effects of this game on young minds once they grow up? You're lack of scientific evidence is worse than that on the other side of the argument, with the difference that they actually have done studies (however flawed) and you have not, your pulling conclusions from your anus.


Scientists Discover Booze That Won't Give You a Hangover 334

Kwang-il Kwon and Hye Gwang Jeong of Chungnam National University have discovered that drinking alcohol with oxygen bubbles added leads to fewer hangovers and a shorter sobering up time. People drinking the bubbly booze sobered up 20-30 minutes faster and had less severe and fewer hangovers than people who drank the non-fizzy stuff. Kwon said: "The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage reduces plasma alcohol concentrations faster than a normal dissolved-oxygen alcohol beverage does. This could provide both clinical and real-life significance. The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage would allow individuals to become sober faster, and reduce the side effects of acetaldehyde without a significant difference in alcohol's effects. Furthermore, the reduced time to a lower BAC may reduce alcohol-related accidents."

Comment Re:Isn't it obvious ? (Score 1) 210

Isn't it also obvious that if you have a floating helium balloon inside your car, when you brake the balloon will move forward inside the car, or when you accelerate the balloon will be pushed back?
Isn't it also obvious that if your friend has three identical boxes with one of them containing a prize, you choose one box and he opens it revealing that the prize is not inside it and he tells you that you have one last chance to choose, then it doesn't matter if you keep your current choice or switch to the last remaining box, since it is 50/50 that the prize is in either?

Comment Re:Forgive me (Score 1) 165

You're eyes see 2D only anyway. You get two images, one on each retina, which your brain uses to interpret the scene as 3D. The utility of 3D glasses is that you can watch the scene from the same point of view irrespective of your location relative to the monitor/tv or cinema screen.

Comment Re:Forgive me (Score 1) 165

I see now, you're not trying to project only 2 images cloned into multiple slices, you're actually projecting the 3D scene itself where each slice has a unique image of the scene viewed from that angle. So instead of a camera with 2 focal points capturing what you should see with your left and right eye, you'd need a camera with a focal point per slice to capture what you would see at each eye position.

Comment Re:Forgive me (Score 1) 165

You're overlooking that adding more viewing angles doesn't change fact that you're only adding more sweet spots, with the requirement that your eyes must not be located in between sweet spots. Otherwise given sweet spots A and B, your right eye could be looking at the left eye version of sweet spot A, and your left eye could be looking at the right eye version sweet spot B.

So you still have to keep your head still and within the sweet spot otherwise you creep into an inverted 3D image. Only thing you're adding with extra directions is extra viewers, where each viewer is watching an effectively 2 direction monitor, and you're back where you started.

You'd need to be able to do eye tracking with directional projection if you want to expand the sweet spot, or, just use a pair of cheep circular polarized glasses.

Comment Re:Forgive me (Score 1) 165

I've seen tens of posts with devices and TVs promising true 3D without the glasses, and they're all bullshit vaporware. If you want true 3D you need glasses, period. There is no other way to effectively direct a different picture to each of your two retinas at the same time. If someone invents such a way you'll first hear about it in scientific publications, not on some bs device that no ones ever heard of. If a device claims to give true 3D without glasses, then it is either bs, or requires you to position your eyes in a very specific location at which point it would be better/easier to just use glasses anyway.

I've long ago stopped getting excited by such bs marketing stunts. Until they actually post something like "Directional pixels deliver photons to your eyes through eye-tracking camera" rather than the current "3D without glasses!!!!1111eleventyone".

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