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Comment Re:Open Source Windows (Score 1) 290

Windows might have a couple of years left but unless they release source code under an open/free license there's no way it will continue to be an option.

The Anonymous Coward also said there was no future for MS Office 365.
LibreOffice for the win.

Linux holds a 1.5% share of the desktop in the Net Applications stats, little changed since the dawn of time.
Win 8/Win 8.1,14%
Desktop Operating System Market Share

Comment Ulbricht Ties The Noose Which Hangs Him (Score 3, Insightful) 363

I think Ars Technica's coverage sums up the judge's thinking very well. Judge says Ulbricht's ''harm reduction'' arguments are fantasies, a mark of privilege

Before the sentence was handed down, the court heard from two parents of young men who died from drugs purchased on the Silk Road.

''You don't fit a typical criminal profile,'' she began. ''It's not TV or the movies in here. You're educated. You've got two degrees, an intact family, and 98 people willing to write letters on your behalf. And yet, we have you. And you are a criminal.''

Ulbricht had been betrayed by his own words, and over the next several minutes, Forrest proceeded to read the most damning passages from his own logs and journals.

'It's still not clear to me why you kept a journal,'' she noted, an aside that apparently produced laughter in the overflow room.

''You were captain of the ship. It wasn't a world of 'freedom'---it was a place with a lot of rules. It was a world of your laws.''

''It was a carefully planned life's work,'' she said, pointing to a 2010 journal entry saying he'd already been thinking about the site for a year. ''It was your opus. You wanted it to be your legacy---and it is.''

Ulbricht's ideological messages on Silk Road boards ''reveal a kind of arrogance,'' she said. ''Silk Road's creation shows that you thought you were better than the laws.''

As for the ''harm reduction'' arguments, the judge could not have been more cutting. She read every academic study suggested by the defense, and then some, and was not impressed.

''No drug dealer from Harlem or the Bronx would have made these arguments,'' said Forrest. ''It's an argument of privilege.''

Ulbricht was focused on harm that could come the user. But most drug violence didn't come from buys on the street, but from ''upstream'' violence that grows as demand grows, she asserted. Believing that the user is the only person affected by drug violence is ''f'antasy, it's magical thinking,'' she said.

As for Fernando Caudevilla, or ''Doctor X,'' the Spanish doctor hired by Ulbricht to give advice to users, the judge read his messages, and found them ''breathtakingly irresponsible.''

Caudevilla told a diabetic that using MDMA would be OK, as long as he remembered to check his glucose levels by setting an alarm. In another message, he advised an 18-year-old first time drug user to ''be careful and I think you'll be fine,'' and to ''stick to psychedelics.''

Submission + - SourceForge assumes ownership of GIMP For Win, wraps installer in adware (

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that SourceForge is assuming control of all projects that appear "abandoned." In a blog update on their site, they responded saying in part "There has recently been some report that the GIMP-Win project on SourceForge has been hijacked; this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current. "

SourceForge is now offering "to establish a program to enable users and developers to help us remove misleading and confusing ads."

Comment You need to look beyond the math. (Score 1) 236

When it comes to risk assessment, there's one type that humans are notoriously bad at: the very low-frequency but high-consequence risks and rewards. It's why so many of us are so eager to play the lottery, and simultaneously why we're catastrophically afraid of ebola and plane crashes.

Playing the lottery is a daydream that anyone can indulge in for the expenditure of a few dollars --- an impulse buy and a month's entertainment for the price of two rentals from the Red Box.

On 9 November 2005 a Boeing 777-200LR, dubbed the Worldliner, completed the world's longest non-stop passenger flight. It traveled 21,602 kilometres (11,664 nmi) eastward...from Hong Kong to London, in roughly 22 h 22 min

Non-stop flight

Ebola is simply a reminder of how quickly in the modern world a new and deadly infectious disease can spread beyond its origins. Replace West Africa with Central America and the Caribbean and see how you like the odds against containment.

The geek is not particularly good at distinguishing between singular incidents that have a massive --- long term -- social impact beyond a simple count of the number of dead and dying and those with occur randomly on a small scale across an entire country or continent and which can be absorbed without much difficulty.

Comment Re:How the executive wipes away democratic power? (Score 1) 121

I thought the political message of Star Wars was clear: a powerful executive gradually demonizes, marginalizes, ignores and then disbands a representative body...

Whatever their faults, the prequels make it plain that a decadent Republic and Jedi Order were ready to be shoved over a cliff before Palpatine came along.

The signs of sterility and paralysis can be seen everywhere you look.

Comment Re:USA in good company... (Score 1) 649

Slapping him in maximum security prison for life with no chance of parole might as well be death, but is something like 1/10th as expensive as execution.

The economic argument against the death penalty doesn't work when you compare the state and federal systems. It would be trivially easy to dispose of the federal death row inmate if anyone really wanted to do it.

The number of federal prisoners on death row is 61.

27 are on death row for crimes committed in Texas, Missouri and Virginia. 2 for crimes committed in California. Federal Death Row Prisoners [March 24]

The number of California prisoners on death row is 743. Death Row Inmates by State and Size of Death Row by Year [January 1]

Submission + - Why We Can't Have Nice Things. (

westlake writes: The Verge and others are reporting that Google has temporarily shut down Map Maker after being overwhelmed by a toxic flood of spam — most notably the adolescent Android-pissing-on-Apple gag recently posted by one of its regular contributors.

Comment I have a cunning plan. (Score 1) 612

Given current business practices in the US, the rational thing to do is train your replacements incorrectly, but in such a way as their lack of training is only noticeable after you are fired, or long enough after the training has taken place that it can't be tracked down to your specific instruction.

When the geek turns to thoughts felonies he contrives schemes so finely calibrated that they cannot possibly work.

Comment Re:Why limit to just CS education? (Score 1) 131

Because Microsoft and Facebook want and abundant (and therefore cheap & expendable) workforce.

The geek is economically and socially illiterate.

What Microsoft and Facebook needs are customers who feel financially secure, have a generous amount of disposable income, and the more of them, the better.

Microsoft typically pays about 15% above market. The lowliest entry level software engineer at Microsoft earns about $80,000/yr. Average Salary for Microsoft Corp Employees

The median household income in the US is $52,000.

Comment The Chewbacca Defense (Score 1) 99

It's a little amazing to me than a lowly Slashdot poster outwitted the entire engineering division at Amazon...

Instead of answering the question, you are just talking around it.

It wouldn't be the first time that the geek has relied on sarcasm as a substitute for brain-work.

The courier drone will be perfectly safe so long as it serves only the middle class suburbs and grander estate homes --- quiet side streets, fenced in back yards, no strangers about.

Comment The Fanboi's Tunnel Vision. (Score 2) 65

I can't speak for OSX. But it is hard to take seriously a post that ignores the accessibility tools that have been baked into the Windows OS from the beginning, expanded and improved over the years.

Unlike proprietary alternatives...Linux distros with the Gnome desktop...includes accessibility tools out of the box, such as:

Screen reader A text-to-speech system to read what's on the screen
Magnifier Helps users with visual impairments who need larger text and images
High-contrast mode Helps users who have trouble seeing text unless contrast is corrected, such as white text on a black background, or vice versa
Mouse keys Controls the mouse using the number pad
Sticky keys Helps users who have trouble pressing multiple keys at once, and users who have use of only one hand
Bounce keys To ignore rapidly pressed keys or if a key is accidentally held down
On screen keyboard Helps users who cannot type at all, but who can use a mouse Visual alerts Replace system sounds with visual cues

Accessibility in Linux is good (but could be much better)


While this article is aimed at Windows 95 much of the information on Accessibility Options also applies to Windows 3.x and Windows 98.

Making Windows 95 Accessible

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