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Comment Property (Score 1) 398

Most of us would never choose to live as homeless ascetics, and yet some of us are unable to work and acquire the minimal property required for basic comfort and security. Should such individuals be given some property as a basic right? I believe that if we are to be consistent to the ideal of reciprocal rights, they must receive some help from society as a whole. Some would disagree. Consider other issues like mental and physical health.

Thing is, by promoting these 'rights' we in fact help society overall. As the downtrodden gain back their dignity, we gain more dignity ourselves, and those individuals grow stronger and give back to society. As we help those with illness, we save resources that would be spent later as their illnesses become more serious.

There are all kinds of areas where something might not seem on its face to be a 'natural right' and yet we must extend a hand in order to raise people up and bring them out of despair and into society. Otherwise we will always function at a minimal level, and most likely a dysfunctional one.

Comment The Golden Rule (Score 1) 398

Whys are kind of useless without a common metaphysics, but we do have a common nature and common interests, and those make fine springboards.

The reciprocal principle. If you don't want someone else to have a certain right, you must be equally willing to give it up yourself. If you want some right for yourself, then you must be willing to extend it to others in full measure. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would cut off their nose just to spite their neighbor's face, but generally this principle makes sense.

Comment Re:RSS as Fair Use (Score 4, Insightful) 303

As a person born in America but by no means inured to its culture, I can assure you it pisses me off equally that we hold people at Guantanamo Bay with no legal recourse and no rights of habeas corpus. It especially concerns me because these actions are diametrically-opposed to the ideals upon which this republic was founded, namely to protect powerless individuals from the tyranny of the powerful by a rigorous application of due process. And whose interests are really being considered?

One interesting thing I want to point out is that al-Awlaki would not have been assassinated if he was residing here, or in France, or in Britain, or in any country where the US wouldn't be able to act with impunity. These actions are reserved for places whose lawlessness we find convenient.

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, it's going to be really hard to get it back inside.

Comment Where do press stories come from Mommy? (Score 1) 30

Wait, so if they haven't found any breach, but some "unnamed intelligence official" told the press that they have, and the press is reporting that they have... well, where did the story come from and how did it get so much traction if iBahn doesn't even know about it?

Wait, could this be just another piece of anti-Chinese, anti-communist propaganda being floated by the American press? Of course not! We don't have propaganda and psy-ops here in the USA!

Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 1) 629

It is excruciatingly naïve to think that the reason people buy things is because of intrinsic value. People buy mostly junk, watered down processed foods, and far fewer durable goods than ever. The highest profits are made by getting people hooked through addictive qualities, not by providing the best quality items with te greatest benefit. And today we've gotten so good at refining foods that we can sell people stuff that makes them sick, THEN sell them the medications to relieve the symptoms of their disease whe they get diabetes II or cirrhosis.

No system that I know of - maybe Burma - has any laws in place to protect the bodies and minds of its citizens from addictive poisons. Maybe. In the interest of health the US could ... Ah never mind, the US is a moron asylum. Let's all drink beer and watch sports and call it culture.

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