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Submission + - Gmail accounts hacked - no response from Google (

jared51 writes: A few friends have recently had their Gmail accounts hacked, causing immense life complications. With Gmail storing all information (many people have a handy label "Accounts" making life easier) that has ever been emailed, a hijacker can easily move on to eBay, PayPal and credit card accounts to turn the crime into cash. Making matters worse, Google is impossible to contact by human. Hijacked users must contend with an endless series of forms.

Submission + - UCLA Probe Finds Taser Incident Out Of Policy (

Bandor Mia writes: Last November, it was reported that UCLA cops Tasered a student, who forgot to bring his ID, at the UCLA library. While an internal probe by UCLAPD cleared the officers of any wrongdoing, an outside probe by Police Assessment Resource Center has found that the police actions on Mostafa Tabatabainejad were indeed out of UCLA policy. The probe was conducted at the behest of acting UCLA Chancellor Norman Abrams.

From the report:
"In light of UCLAPD's general use of force policy and its specific policies on pain compliance techniques, Officer 2's three applications of the Taser, taken together, were out of policy. Officer 2 did not take advantage of other options and opportunities reasonably available to de-escalate the situation without the use of the Taser. Reasonable campus police officers, upon assessing the circumstances, likely would have embraced different choices and options that appear likely to have been more consistent both with UCLAPD policy and general best law enforcement practices."


Submission + - SCALE Opens Call For Papers (

An anonymous reader writes: The Call For Papers has opened for the 6th Annual Southern California Linux Expo, to be held February 8th, 9th, & 10th, 2008. As with SCALE 5x, S6x will be held at the Westin Hotel at Los Angeles International Airport. Past speakers have included Robert Love, Patrick Mochel, John "maddog" Hall, Chris Dibona, and others. If you have something interesting to say about Free/Open Source software, please consider submitting a presentation proposal. Presentations from last years event are online as well.

Submission + - Pirate Bay faces block over child porn

mernil writes: The Local reports: "File sharing site The Pirate Bay could be shut down, after Swedish police alleged that it is possible to access child pornography via the site. The Pirate Bay denies the charge, while the Pirate Party described the police's strategy as "a scandalous abuse of power". "After complaints from the public we have been able to establish that there is child pornography on Pirate Bay," wrote the head of the National Criminal Investigation Department's IT crimes unit Stefan Kronkvist in a statement.
The Courts

Submission + - EFF Files Amicus Brief in Leadbetter RIAA Case

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "The Electronic Frontier Foundation has thrown its hat into the ring in Interscope v. Leadbetter, a Seattle, Washington, case, filing an amicus brief in support of Dawnell Leadbetter's motion for attorneys fees. The brief (pdf) argues that "Unlike many of the innocent who could not afford to do so, Defendant Leadbetter chose to fight back, exposing Plaintiffs' shoddy tactics and lack of evidence for what they were — nothing more than a sham excuse to pressure her into a settlement for legal violations she did not commit.""

Submission + - LinuxFest Northwest 2007

Hunter Gatherer Peng writes: "LinuxFest Northwest 2007, is just seven days away. Hear speakers from Red Hat, Google, SuSE/Novell, OLPC project, MySQL, Sofware Freedom Law Center, Linden Labs, OSTG, Linux Fund, over 40 speakers, 42 exhibitors per day and several exhibitors will be actively recruiting. Admission and parking are free for both days, April 28th and 29th in Bellingham Wash. This is a huge free Linux/OSS community event, don't miss it."

Submission + - Debian at the crossroads

Tookis writes: The Debian GNU/Linux project has come to some kind of crossroads — due to many factors, some of them artificial — and the man who takes over leadership next month will have to make some crucial decisions on the future direction of the project. At the moment strong leadership appears to be lacking — or so founder Ian Murdock believes.

Submission + - IM chat. Not just for humans anymore

CexpTretical writes: "With the speed at which most IM services communicate data, it was not long before developers began looking at the protocol underlying most IM, XMPP, for sending and receiving other kinds of data as well. With the Jabber open source community leading the way in XMPP based IM development, many others have joined in over the last few years. Now many ESB, EAI, and SOA platforms allow for XMPP transports or support some type of XMPP-to-SOAP, XMPP-to-RPC, XMPP-to-RMI, XMPP-to-HTTP etc. Some like newbie WS Arena are even attempting to use XMPP outside of traditional application server or ESB/SOA boxes and allow for programmatic communications in both a one-to-many and a many-to-many fashion. Some XMPP servers can be modified to allow message data to "pass through" from application(s) to application(s) while the server only handles connections, routing, and optionally security concerns. The greatest thing about XMPP is that it allows XML to be used in a streaming manner thus freeing applications from the traditional ping-pong request-response paradigms."

Submission + - Houdini Murdered?

nick13245 writes: According to , Harry Houdini's body is being exhumed because it has been rumored that he was poisoned. According to the article "... the likeliest suspects were members of a group known as the Spiritualists. The magician devoted large portions of his stage show to exposing the group's fraudulent seances."
The Internet

Submission + - Legal problems for Wikipedia

ToiletDuck writes: "The Wikimedia Foundation has been named in a lawsuit filed by literary agent Barbara Bauer, apparently over her less-than-complimentary Wikipedia biography (mirror). The lawsuit comes in the wake of the resignation of Brad Patrick, Wikimedia's General Counsel and Executive Director. When questioned about Wikipedia's liability in an interview with GC South last year, Patrick stated 'Our belief is that since every post is attributed to an individual, is time-stamped and is retained in the database, the foundation itself is not publishing that content. We view individual editors as responsible and have prominently displayed on every edit page that individuals are responsible for their own contributions. We take the position that we are a service provider and are protected under section 230 [of the Communications Decency Act].' Should Wikipedia be liable for defamatory information added by its volunteer editors?"
XBox (Games)

Submission + - Ubuntu running on the Xbox 360

Anonymous Coward writes: "Cpasjuste has managed to get Ubuntu (comunity developed Linux-based operating system) running on the Xbox 360. It contains all the standard applications such as a WEB BROWSER, spreadsheet software, instant messaging software and more. To get it running King Kong is required as well as the vulnerable kernels. Read more about it here at: 13#post467013 The news stub can be found here:"

Submission + - Best OSS Systems Mgmt App You Never Heard Of

FLOSSisnot4Teeth writes: "You probably are familiar with Nagios and Webmin as two of the most widely deployed open source systems management applications. However, this month's Project of the Month is probably a newcomer to open source systems and network administrators. Zenoss Core is a systems monitoring platform, released under GPL and over the last year it's become one of the most popular projects. Unlike most of these new "commercially backed" open source projects, Zenoss Core is the only version, their corporate sponsor doesn't offer a "pro version". Also their developers have been committing code back to other projects like RRDTool and Twisted. I have been playing around with Zenoss for about six months and have been totally impressed. Would be curious to see what other Slashdot readers think."

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