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Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 1) 671

Snowden does not work for the Russian government, nor is he ever likely to. What he's been doing for a job over there, I'm not sure, but I'm quite sure they're not going to employ him in a job doing the same thing he was doing in the USA. At best, he can just work in private-sector jobs there which have nothing to do with the government.

Yes, if he exposed government corruption in Russia, he wouldn't be treated well. But why would he ever be in a position to see such corruption and expose it?

Comment Re:serious question (Score 1) 167

thanks for that information. but other than the mail, none of that is anything they did. they bought out other companies. I mean thats great for them, flickr is a good platform, im sure tumblr as well. but buying a company and innovating are 2 different things.

Most big companies are like this.

Look at Microsoft, their history is full of purchases: Powerpoint, Hotmail, Visio, Dynamics, Skype, Nokia, Bungie,

Comment Re: Live (Score 2) 233

The 1st season of TNG was a mess; it got better afterwards when Gene became less involved and Rick Berman took over. He's really the guy we can thank for TNG being the classic it was. He took Gene's great vision, and made a great show out of it. It also helped when Gene's drinking buddy Maurice Hurley left the show, as he was a writer and had a lot of sway over the scripts. He's the reason Gates McFadden left during the 2nd season.

As for the Federation not being superior, how do you figure? They weren't militaristic, so of course they weren't easily able to easily overcome the Romulans and Klingons who devoted all their resources to empire-building and the military. It's just like Russia today. Their economy sucks but they're still holding onto lots of territory and have lots of power because that territory holds valuable natural resources, and they have a huge and powerful military to guard it and push their agenda, including seizing land from neighboring nations.

Comment Re: Live (Score 1) 233

BS, TNG was a great series. However, it was really rough and kinda bad during the first season, and into the 2nd.

What worked was when Gene was the figurehead and kinda oversaw things, so that people were working according to his vision, but Gene was not involved in any nitty-gritty details. He was a lot like George Lucas: he came up with some cool ideas and visions for things, but when they were executed by other people is when the final product was really fantastic.

Gene became much less involved in the show after the 2nd season, and that's when it really shined, at least until it just got too old and stale. The 3rd-5th seasons were amazing, and some of the best TV ever made.

The same thing happened in TOS too. All the best episodes were when Gene wasn't so hands-on.

Now with Gene gone, it's gone to crap because they aren't using his vision at all, they're just recycling and trying to make money off of things from the prior series, but without the vision that really made it ST.

Comment Re:Live (Score 1) 233

I actually like the guy they have playing Bones on the competing fan-made Star Trek Phase II series. The other actors, not so much, but the McCoy guy is great. They should swap him with the Bones guy from ST: Continues, because all their actors are great except for the McCoy guy. My office desk is less wooden.

Comment Re:Live (Score 1) 233

Great post. I feel mostly the same way, except I never bothered with JJ's 2nd movie because I was too disappointed by the 1st one.

The real problem with Star Trek, however, was that it was unrealistic in its optimism and with everyone having such excellent values. They said many times in the series that genetic engineering was bad, was banned, etc. (except for that 2nd-series Pulaski episode in TNG, for some odd reason), but the only way humanity is going to be that moral is if it's engineered into them, or we do something to engineer sociopathy out of our species. Right now, sociopaths are in charge, and are exceedingly common, and their values permeate our society. Just look at the replies to your post: these days, the only thing that matters is money and profit, that's what makes a person "good". Even the Christians will tell you this these days: God favors people who make more money, and loves rich people more, and poor people are poor because God has abandoned them. Popular TV preachers like Joel Osteen will happily tell you this, and countless Christian churches preach this theology.

Of course, even Star Trek had its dark side, but it was in the past: we were supposed to have the Eugenics Wars back in the 1990s, and we're supposed to have WWIII sometime soon. Only after all that calamity is Zephram Cochrane supposed to invent the warp engine, meet the Vulcans, and quickly propel us into the galactic neighborhood as seen in STE, with humanity going from a war-torn society to eradicating poverty inside a century. So according to ST, we're supposed to be living in a pretty shitty time right now. That seems ridiculously optimistic however (that going through WWIII and meeting the Vulcans will suddenly turn us into a wonderful race of moralistic do-gooders without a bunch of sociopaths running our society like we have now).

What I like to tell people in discussions like this is that Star Trek does show our society, but not in the normal episodes; they're in the "mirror" episodes! That's us: the evil humans who run around murdering and conquering anyone and anything we can. If we ever invent warp drive and phasers, the galaxy is going to wish they only had the Klingons to deal with.

Comment Re: Live (Score 2) 233

Exactly. Also, the Kardashians are superior people because they have lots of money, and that's why the rest of us need to spend our time watching their family drama on their TV show, because with all that money, their lives are obviously much more interesting and important than ours.

Comment Scandinavians (Score 3, Insightful) 55

Here again, the Scandinavians prove they are the most superior culture on the planet. While much larger nations with far more resources are spending on their resources on military adventurism and weapons systems (including nations who also have possessions far north of the Arctic Circle, namely Russia), the Scandinavians have the highest quality of life in the world and are looking out for the future with this seed vault.

Comment Re:Last straw? (Score 4, Interesting) 533

Taking on the 1938 German army would have been a relative cakewalk. The problem with Dunkirk (wasn't that a great victory?) is that the British stayed on the defensive, and by definition it's impossible to win whilst playing defense.

Add the Czechs and their surprisingly good army, and the Little Maginot Line (the Germans tested the fortifications after invading and found them shockingly sound) , and 1938 Germany has big problems. Its army gets bogged down in Czechoslovakia while the British drive for Berlin.

People always bring up this "educated, balanced" riposte to Chamberlain's infamous act. It's bullshit. Let's put the dagger in the back of this theory once and for all: you know who Chamberlain saw fit NOT to invite to the Munich conference? The Czechs! He gave them the middle finger and handed them a fait accompli. Don't even get me started about the great betrayal of Poland, a nation Britain was pledged to defend and yet did fuck-all to help. Fuck Chamberlain and fuck appeasement.

Comment Re:Star Trek gave us a future to shoot for. (Score 1) 233

Explain Harry Mudd and the Sirius Mining Corporation.

At least Star Trek solved the "endless assloads of free money from somewhere" problem that is endemic to socialism. On Earth in 2015, the rub is that eventually, you run out of other people's money. With replicators and antimatter energy, that's not an inconvenient truth any more.


ISIS Threatens Life of Twitter Founder After Thousands of Account Suspensions 533

Patrick O'Neill writes After a wave of account bannings that marks Twitter's most aggressive move ever against ISIS, new images circulated from militants shows founder Jack Dorsey in crosshairs with the caption "Twitter, you started this war." The famously tech-savy ISIS has met a number of defeats on American-built social media recently with sites like Twitter and YouTube banning the group's efforts in unprecedented numbers.

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