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Comment Re:jkhsad ass7e bcadjh (Score 5, Interesting) 302

I heard a FOAF story about a taxi driver who installed a GPS in his taxi. He'd always say to new fares: "You can have the GPS route, or you can have the route I think is best. Which do you want?"

Many, perhaps most, people would pick the GPS ... and promptly get stuck in traffic, because it doesn't know when to avoid main roads, all the shortcuts available, etc. It paid itself off in a few weeks..

Comment Re:Alternative Solution: Implement it Right? (Score 1) 354

Why are the URLs so long to begin with?

Your post contains its own rebuttal:

I think the proper solution is to just stop making ridiculously long URLs to begin with, so we don't have to rely on obfuscation/hashing/shortening to accommodate services that have character limit restrictions. And we'd save bandwidth too, apparently. Win-win?

You had a link on "we'd save bandwidth too", pointing to this:

If Slashdot used longer, descriptive URLs, I could mouseover it and see, perhaps, something like ''. Perhaps I remember reading the article a few weeks ago, and don't need to click. As it is, though, the only way I can find out what you're talking about is by clicking on the link and loading the page. That's wasting bandwidth.

Comment Re:Elite 2: Frontier (Score 1) 282

In the original Elite, the first mission was to destroy some kind of experimental space ship that had been stolen. You were told that the ship had ECM, which meant that you needed to kill it in a dogfight; you couldn't just hit it with a missile.

...well, unless you got really close. Easiest way to win was to fly straight at it, target a missile, and launch at point-blank range. Boom.

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