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Comment Re:This is why France doesn't do startups (Score 1) 422

Why you must live in the Big Rock Candy Mountains, where the rivers flow whiskey and cigarettes grow on trees.

Everything that is consumed must first be produced. If everyone works 20 hours a week or not at all, then there will be, long term, less than half the goods available compared to a land where everyone works 40 hours a week.

Greece's chickens are coming home to roost; they're carrying avian flu and riots.

Comment Re:Fuck 'em (Score 1) 422

With tougher labor laws they won't whine that they are on the threshold of going out of business, they'll whine because they've gone out of business.

Tougher labor laws cause at least 3 problems: a company's expenses rise because labor laws make labor more expensive, a company's expenses rise because it has to hire someone to ensure that the company adheres to the labor laws, and a company's expenses rise because it's paying more taxes to the government for people to enforce the labor laws. Lose, lose, lose. The product the company made will now be too expensive to make here, and a company in Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, et al. will fill the vacuum.

Comment Re:Fuck 'em (Score 1) 422

The assets will be sold, and the employees will be paid their severance package. They also get paid for unused vacation days, and after the vacation days are over they also get paid unemployment benefits.

You seem to have the curious opinion that the physical plant is actually owned by Mandriva, not leased. Do you also think that things like the computers and desks of a bankrupt company will sell for more than 10 cents on the dollar?

Where do you think the money for unused vacation days is coming from? The magical money fairy? The repossessed copier?

Comment Re:So, the other side? (Score 3, Insightful) 422

the shareholders decided to bail instead of pay their debts

What part of "limited liability" of the stockholders of publicly traded corporations do you not understand? Do you think it reasonable that you hand over to your stockbroker $1000 to buy shares of XYZ Corp., and 3 years later the sheriff is knocking at your door demanding $300,000 to pay XYZ's debt?

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 692

And you're going to search every household to make sure that there aren't too many children, are you? What punishment are you going to mete out for black market life extending chemicals, massa?

There is no governmental right to interfere with my harmless actions, whether that involves the substances I consume or the children I make with another consenting adult, so long as I support them.

Comment Re:mean lifespan 1000 years from trauma, murders (Score 1) 692

Older people tend to be more careful, although that's partially a function of declining vitality. Many older people have learned from the fatal mistakes of others. Just by process of elimination, after fools kill themselves off, only the timid remain. Hey - Is this how the meek inherit the earth? Arrgh!

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